Chapitre 26

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-Emma POV-

"You're not serious! You've lived hell tonight, you should take a day off!" Jaye get up from the bed and start to perambulate.

"Exactly, I've lived hell, I've survived, and I need to change my mind. Well, work is going to be perfect for that! Seriously Jaye, calm down, I'm okay." I seriously am. I don't know if I'm traumatized and don't feel anything, maybe I'm gonna feel later, I don't know, but for now, I really am okay.

"You look like, let's say you looked worst when you landed on my porch a week and a half ago." She stand in front of me, holding by the shoulder, an arm length from her, and scrutting every parcel of my body to see if he left some bruises.

"You two should leave and have some sleep, that's what I'm gonna do, because I need to get up in 5 hours." I shoo them away. I really appreciate the support, but I need to be alone, and I need to talk to Harry.

"I can stay and sleep with you if you want." Jaye add, like I'm gonna change my mind.

I don't answer and head downstair, right through the hall and hug both of them at the same time.

"Stop worrying. I'm alright, and I love both of you."

When they finally leave, I turn around to find Harry alone in the living room, looking at the wall in front of him, but I don't think he see it.

"You alright?" I chuckle, trying to light the mood a bit. Harry blink and turn his piercing green gaze on me. I join him on the couch, sit beside of him, my legs crossed in front of me.

"You shouldn't worried about me." He hold my gaze, feeling like he can read my mind.

"I had worse." I shrug, Harry's eyes widen. "Well, I mean... erm, well I mean that. Seriously, that's harsh to say, but I seriously had worse. I'm in fact relieved that he'll be in jail for a good time now that he try not just to kill me but you too. Two attempts of murder should have him behind the bars for a while. Thank god nothing happened to you." I put my leg up on the couch and reach for the bottom of my jean, put it up, showing the Omamori Harry had give to me this afternoon. It feels like it was in another life. "I'm glad I have put this before we go dinner."

He look at my ankle and take the Omamori between his long finger. "Well, I think I give you a broken one. It didn't bring you a lot of chance tonight."

He still play with the Omamori in his shaking finger. I cover his hand with mine to calm him a bit. "I wouldn't say that. I was lucky that you send a driver to get me and that he tell you where I was heading. I was lucky that you arrived in time before Jerkhead done something to me. I was lucky that my kick in his gut worked." I laugh, making the corner of his lips stretching. "And it provide me happiness, because you are safe, we are safe, and that couldn't make me happier." I feel my eyes burn, I don't allowed my tears to drop from my eyes so I fight them back. Harry finally look up to my eyes, we stay still for a while, and we finally hug each other. He hold me so close I feel like I'm gonna melt in his arms. I feel so secure in that embrace, I wish I could just stay still for the rest of my life. But life goes on, and mine is a mess I need to fix.

I let go of him and stand up. "I'll go sleep, I'm exhausted... but if you need me, Harry, please tell me." I squeeze his shoulder and go back to "my room". I'll need to check with my canadian bank if I can transfer anything, now that I'm safe. I quickly shower myself and lay between the sheets, I close my eyes and find sleepiness easily, thankfully.


I'm currently sitting at the breakfast counter, looking at apartments' ad in the newspaper. After my shift that goes pretty well, I've talked with my sister that saled my car and my condo 2 days ago, and after that I've talked with my bank and they transfer my money at the Bank of America. Of course, I got fee for opening an account here, but I finally don't depend on other people money. I've made a stop at Gucci store on my way back, wanting to give Harry a little something after the night we had yesterday. He literally saved my life.

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