Chapter 1/Prologue

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-Emma POV-

"Attention passenger, Flight 735 for Los Angeles is now boarding."

Here is my cue. Who thought I'll be flying back to LA in such a short time. Need to admit, I am relieved that they announced my flight, Pearson airport all alone is kind of scary. At least Jaye is going to wait for me at LAX, because I've seriously get lost the last time I've land there.

We're celebrating her little brother, Cameron, his 21st birthday. I get along pretty well with him, probably because we have no restraint. I speak to Cameron like an open book. The first time I saw him, I remember telling him he look like a guy I used to shag, and since then we've been the best buddies.

Don't get me wrong, I don't sleep around, I just don't have taboo subject.

During the time I show the flight attendant my passport, I can't stop thinking how out of the blue Jaye and I get to know each other. How could a california girl get to know a french little town girl from Quebec, well here's the answer: buisness. 4 months ago, I was off to a medical Congress in Los Angeles. As a nurse, I had the opportunity to open my field of expertise. Jaye attend to the same medical Congress, and she was my savior, totally. Being «just okay» to speak english and need to, not just be there, but also understand the lecturing was a though challenge. But Jaye helped me a lot. And here I am today, sitting on a plane to LA, with a creepy guy as a seat neighbor. I'm that close to give him my picture.

"We're about to take off, please close all electronic device and fasten your seatbelt."

Just before I close my cellphone, need to keep in check with my sister, if not she literally going to kick me.

A/N: All text in french are going to be translate as and when.

To Jess: On décolle de Pearson, je te tiens au courant xx ('bout to take off from Pearson, keep you in touch xx)

And here goes 3 hour of flight.


A/N: Short first chapter, the other are going to be more long I promise.
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Also, if you do see grammatical error, please tell me, it's the first time I write a story in english.


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