Chapter 5

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-Emma POV-

I'm so comfortable, so comfortable. I'm hot, way too hot. Why is there an arm around me? What the actual hell? My eyes opened instantly. Who break into my room? What is going on? I look behind me and see Harry lying there. Right, Harry. God, he is so sweet. Now I remember us talking for hours last night. He thought I didn't know him, as if a 23 years old girl didn't know One Direction. He is cute, and really spooning me. Shit it feels good. What the fuck with my head now? How did we end up in my bed, spooning, on the sheets, and fully clothed? Right, my mom, I remember telling him. Why did I do that? I don't even tell Ron or Jaye. It was probably the tequila speaking. I don't even know that guy. I think I'm going to throw up. Shit I can't to this in the adjacent bathroom without waking him up. Screw it, I'm running to Jaye's one.

I get up and sprint down the hall. I really hope I can make it to the toilet. I burst into Jaye room, probably giving her a heart attack, and head straight to the bathroom. I throw up so much that I hate myself. Why did I drink that much? Right, mommy... I need ice cream. Oh boy I don't need to mention ice cream now, just the thought of it makes me more sick.

"Woah, why are you puking in my toilet?" Jaye say entering the bathroom.

"Because Harry's in my room and I don't want to disturbed him." I manage to say between waves of vomit.

"What? Harry is in your bedroom? You guys slept together? Was it good?" she ask, too enthusiastly.

"Yes, no, and no." I answer while cleaning my mouth. "Well we did sleep together, but we didn't have sex together. And I really don't want to face him today."

"Having a hangover huh? Well you'll need to face Harry anyway because he was planning on stay here all day. And anyway, why wouldn't you want to hang out with him? He's a angel?" she sit down on the counter while looking at me.

"Because, he's him, and I am.." I gesture to myself "me. And because I don't want to be heartbroken again."

"Who talk about heart broke? You can just enjoying it, I mean, it's Harry, he is kind and super sexy. Just let it flow by and don't think too much. What is holding you back?"

"The way I feel when I touch him, the way my body react. It was so strong, Jaye, that I'm scared of being heartbroken again. Because believe me, I don't need a whole month too being attached to him, and I know we will end up hurting each other."

"Why?" she ask, raising her voice.

"Because, we're from totally different world!" I'm screaming now. "I have a full time job in Quebec city, don't even have time to proper see you, even less hanging out with a popstar, actor, gucci god, english men!" I'm literally out of breath.

"Okay, I get you. But please, please don't close yourself to him. Just, let things be." she told me, sweetly.

"Fine!" I sight, feeling defeated. "I really need to brush my teeth now, and a shower, and get dress."

"Just, do it here Em." she say leaving.

I know I'm totally selfish, I know I'm protecting myself from hurt, but I hurt too much in past year to not doing it. It is self defense.

I took a long, really long shower. I get out and took clothes in Jaye closet, sure she don't mind. I just don't want to go back to my room and face Harry. I'm emotionally not ready for that. Because I know I'm going to flinch to him, and want to be comfort by him, I'm too weak now to fight it.

I took my time and head downstair, hoping to find caffeine to wake me up properly. I'm canadian after all, I need coffee to get functional. There's only Ron in the kitchen, which I'm glad. He already pour me a coffee and looking expectantly at me.

"What?" I ask him.

"I'm waiting for you to tell me." he say.

"Tell you what exactly?" Did Jaye told him? I hope not. I don't want everything I tell her to being knows by Ron, even if he is my best friend too.

"Why Harry never got back to his room last night." he smirk. He is fucking smirking.

"Well, I don't know, I'm not following him." I add, getting up to grab cereals.

"Uh uh. Because you and him wasn't like magnets yesterday, right? It was totally my imagination." He say, sarcastically.

"And that means we finished in my bed?" I ask him.

"Where is he then?" he arc his eyebrow.

"I don't fucking know Ron!" I scream, impatiently.

"What do you don't fucking know?" a low, raspy voice ask behind me, and I'm already hating myself.

"Where you'd end up yesterday." Ron say, pleased with himself.

"Uh, by yesterday he means..." I try to say, hesitating.

"It's okay Emma, you don't follow me everywhere." Harry respond, looking knowingfull to me.

He is covering us. HE IS COVERING US! Seriously, that guy is a god.

"You see?" I look to Ron, my turn to be pleased. "I have nothing more to say. Now I need something in my stomach before I throw up again." I turn my attention to my cereals.

"Jeez girl. Too much Tequila?" Ron ask, winking to me.

I pull up my middle finger, because I don't have anything else to say. He don't know why I got drunk like that yesterday, so I'm not going to bring the subject. Cameron leave the kitchen laughing, leaving me and Harry alone. Nice. I don't look up to my cereals. I didn't even put milk in that damn bowl.

"You're welcome." Harry say, sitting on a stool next to mine.

"Uh?" I don't even look up. He surely think I'm a loser.

"For covering us, you're welcome." he say, trying to catch my attention.

"You don't have to do it. You could just admit that you slept in my bed."

"No I don't want to tell him that."

"Why?" I finally look up to him.

"Because you clearly didn't tell him, so I respect your decision and I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He is so sexy.

What the hell, when did my hormones come back to life?

"Uh uh." It's all I answer. Maybe he take the hint.

"So why did you flee this morning?"

He don't take the hint. Hell, here goes nothing.

"Harry, you are really sweet and kind but nothing is going to happen between us." I stop eating, I'm not even hungry.

"Glad we're on the same page then." He tell me, slowly.

"Okay." I say, gutted.

"Okay." he replied, smiling softly. 


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