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"Miss Lightbourn, I will like a word please." Mcgonagall's voice sounded from behind me. I turned to look at her and nodded. Lee and the twins hada weirded out expression on their faces, but I simply shrugged and followed the professor to her office. Once we entered her office, she gestured me to take a sit. I did and she sat facing me. 

"Miss Lightbourn, I want to talk to you about a certain situation..." The professor began. 'Oh no' was my first thought. 

"Whatever it is, I didn't do it!" I defended before she could speak. 

"That's not what I want to speak to you about." She said with a cocked up eyebrow. I let out a sigh of relief. 

 "Your fireplace has been connected to the Floo network." My eyes flashed yellow with confusion. 

"I beg your pardon, professor, my fireplace is connected to Floo?" I asked her. Mcgonagall kept a straight face and nodded. 

"Why?" I asked. 'Why? Really Rose?' I thought. 

"Professor Dumbledore has requested a meeting with you over the summer. He has some matters he needs to discuss with you. It is my understanding that you know you are adopted, yes?" 

"Yes I do, professor. But what does that have to do with anything? My parents are dead." I told her, my voice was flat, free of any emotion. She looked at me sadly but continued. 

"The headmaster has some information about your family. He wishes to discuss it over the summer." She said. There was still one question in the middle of my head. It was regarding the dream I had a couple of week ago. 

"Professor, can I ask you a question?" She looked confused but asked me to continue. I took a deep breath and spoke "Did you have a students named James? And a student named Lily? About fifteen years ago, maybe?" 

Mcgonagall looked like she was about to pass out, or burst into tears. I was afraid I had stepped over the line, but I needed this answers. 

"I did. For now Miss Lightbourn, that is all the information I may give you." I sighed sadly but nodded. 

- - -  

"What did Mcgonagall want?" asked Fred once I had returned to the great hall. 

"Dumbledore wants a meeting over the summer." I told him, not taking my eyes of my empty plate. Next thing I know, i'm being dragged out of the great hall. I look around, everyone else is clearing out as well. Fred is pulling my wrist and leading me to the common room, Lee and George trailing behind. 

Once we arrived at the common room, we sit down on the couch. 

"Rose talk me. I'm worried about you, so are George and Lee. You don't eat, you don't sleep, you don't talk anymore... What's going on?" The urgency in Fred's voice was very clear. The boys, and Annie, knew I didn't want to go home, but they didn't know why. I turned to look at Fred, my eyes were still the teal colour. Fred's soft brown eyes were pleading me to say something, to talk. I took a deep breath, and crashed my body into his. Hugging him tightly, never wanting to let go. Fred quickly wrapped his arms around me. 

"I'm scared to go home. I don't like it there." I mumbled into his chest, he began stroking my hair with one hand. 

"Why are you scared?" I couldn't tell him could I? I mean, I don't need to worry him with my own problems. He will probably freak out. 

"I just don't want to go." I stated. There was no way in hell I was telling him the real reason. I knew he didn't believe me, but I was thankful because he didn't press on the matter. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt