Something in the Air

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Summary: Nini being extra lovey dovey with her beau during the Christmas season.

*Rini fluff*

A/N: The above pic is so precious omg I love them!!!!


Nini had always been a sucker for the Christmas season. She always went all out with the decorations, singing, threading popcorn, and plenty of other Christmas festivities.

Ricky had never been into the holiday like that, but he loved watching how chipper she'd get around this time of year. They had been on their way home from her university dorm for winter break.

She had been dressed in Christmas colors from head to toe just as he expected. She had been happily dancing and singing to Christmas tunes as he drove. He'd occasionally glance over at her and smiled when he saw how cheerful she looked.

She has always been a physically affectionate person, but she was ten times more touchy during this time of year. She found a way to touch him the entire ride whether it was hand holding, swift kisses at stop lights, or gently squeezing his arm.

He never minded any of it since he loved feeling her presence. When they finally arrived at her driveway, she immediately unbuckled so she could give him a hug. He was a little startled but ultimately hugged her back.

She gave him a few pecks across his face before finally placing her lips on his. He grinned against her lips. "I love when you kiss me like that."

She smiled. "I know sweetheart." She snapped her fingers when she remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot! I brought something for you."

He raises a brow. "We weren't gonna exchange gifts until later though."

"Yeah I know, but this isn't really a gift. It's more of a thank you for driving me home since my car decided to break down on me right before the holidays."

She gave him a brief peck on the lips before reaching in the back seat. She picked up a Christmas themed container and placed it in his hands. He looked at it skeptically.

"What's this?"

"Open it!"

"Alright, alright." He opened the lid and perked up when he saw an assortment of Christmas sugar cookies inside. "You remembered how much I love these?"

She nodded. "Yep! You devoured them last year, so I figured I'd make you a batch. Hope you enjoy them!"

"You didn't have to do this babe."

"Maybe, but I wanted to. It was definitely worth it to see your smile."

He blushed and gave her a sweet kiss. "Thank you Neens. This was very sweet of you."

She cups his face. "Anything for the love of my life."

He sets the cookies aside, and she climbs into his lap. She begins passionately kissing him, and he firmly gripped her hips. She began kissing him more fiercely, making him moan in her mouth.

He pulled away and tried to muffle his laugh when she poked her lip out. "Your moms are waiting babe."

She shrugs. "They can wait a little longer. Are you in a rush to go somewhere?"

He shakes his head. "No." He kisses her cheek, which made her face red. "Not at all."


Ricky had invited her over to decorate his house since he knew she'd do it justice with her masterful skills. No one could decorate for Christmas as efficiently and beautifully as her.

Book of Love: Rini One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora