Risky Business

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Summary: Ricky and Nini do risky sexual activities to spice up their sex life.

*Rini smut*

A/N: special thanks to @ysuftsaysojo and Catiebuggggy for giving me this idea! Also, I oddly enough got an idea from an Impractical Jokers punishment of all places, so special thanks to Murr I guess? Anywho, enjoy!


"What're you doing on Friday?" Gina asks as she pours her and Nini some wine.

Nini shrugs. "The usual. Ricky and I just sitting around the living room TV as we eat take out. Why?"

"I wanted to go shopping with you for my upcoming anniversary with EJ."

"Oh, can we rain check for Saturday then?"


"What were you gonna buy for your anniversary anyway?"

Gina smirks. "Well, I was thinking of buying something from Tokyo Valentino."

Nini's eyes widened, and she blushed. "Wh-what?!"

"Yep, I wanted to hit up the sex shop for some new toys for us to play with."

"Oh, wow. Um, why do you want me there?"

"I want a second opinion on some of the things I buy."

"Am I really the best option for that? Ricky and I don't really use toys."

Gina gasped and rested her palm on her chest as if Nini offended her. "Really?! EJ and I love using toys. It makes sex so much more fun!"

"Hm, I never thought to use one during sex. I only use it when he's not home."

"Girl, you need to step up your game! It's always nice to switch it up sometimes."

"Actually, Ricky and I were thinking about spicing up our sex lives since we hit a dry spell. He's been so busy with his job while I've been busy with business trips. We rarely have time to cuddle before we have to get up for work. It sucks."

"You know, hitting a dry spell isn't all that bad. It ignites a desire in you and your partner that will make you want to explore to salvage your sex life. That's what EJ and I went through before we started doing kinkier stuff."

"Such as?"

"Well, we're fans of mild S&M, teasing, handcuffs, and unique positions."

"What kind of teasing?"

Gina smirks. "I'll send you a list of ideas. Tell me how it goes when you try one of them."

"Oh god, should I be worried?"

"Maybe a little bit."


"Hey, maybe we can go to the store to shop for the both of us!"

"That's not a bad idea, but I'd need guidance for sure."

"No worries. I'll be there to help. We're gonna have so much fun."

"I'm scared yet excited."

Gina wraps her arm around Nini. "Oh, you have no idea."


"Neens, I'm home."

He could hear the sound of her small footsteps rapidly approaching him, causing him to smile. She beams when she sees him and runs and jumps on him, wrapping her legs around his waist.

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