Bound to the Enemy (1)

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Summary: In this world, almost everybody is assigned a soulmate at birth. Everyone is given a specially made two-way journal at the age of 13 that documents what you and your partner are saying. The journals are indestructible and endless. Soulmates are able to communicate with one another through the journal, but are not allowed to reveal who they are. When you do find out your soulmate and decide to reject them, you physcially feel pain the longer you deny their love.

Nini was always excited to meet her other half, but she never would've thought her life partner would be the one person she could not stand the most, Ricky fucking Bowen.

*Rini soulmates fluff/smut*

A/N: I can't believe it took me this long to make a soulmate AU, but here we are. There will be two parts. Enjoy!


"Kourt, I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to eat so heavily before I go back to work. I might fall asleep."

Kourtney giggles as she sips her Nutella cappuccino. "But it was one hell of a brunch though."

Nini pats her stomach. "Yeah, no regrets, even if one of my mothers yells at me. Ruby Slipper Café never fails me."

"Speaking of, did you get in contact with that country artist we were supposed to be doing a shoot for?"

"My Momma D did, but there's a chance she'll give the assignment to me since she's so busy."

"Well, I guess that assignment will go to shit just like all of your photo shoots." A familiar male voice says behind her.

She rolls her eyes before she turns around to face her longtime nemesis, Ricky Bowen.

"Richard, always a pleasure bumping into you! Unfortunately, I don't have any spare change on me to help fund that failing magazine of yours, but maybe I can mail you a check later."

Ricky pretends to be hurt by her words by grabbing his chest. "Classic Nina, always coming for my neck."

"Classic Richard, always forcing his entitled ass into conversations that didn't include him."

"I had to when I overheard you confidently discussing how you're gonna win over a country singer."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Let me guess; his name is EJ Caswell from Arkansas. He's in town for a while, and a lot of people want to interview him. Is that the country singer you're referring to?"

Nini's smile drops. "Fuck off, Bowen. You're ruining my day with your bullshit."

Ricky smirks. "Poise will for sure get his attention more than your lousy magazine. What was the name of it again? Torment? Talentless?"

"You know damn well it's Tempo Magazine."

"Right, I knew it was something corny and on the nose for a music magazine."

"Where'd you spawn out from anyway? Were you following us, you fucking creep?"

"That's pretty vain of you to assume you're worthy of all that energy. I happened to get something from a neighboring restaurant and saw your poorly dressed ass passing by. Figured I'd do a quick drive-by insult."

"Well, if you're done being a dick, my friend and I will be on our way."

Nini and Kourtney begin walking away, but that doesn't stop him.

"I actually will be on my way so I can go secure that interview with Mr. Caswell. See you later, munchkin!"

"Jump off something high!" She yells back before flipping him off.

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