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Summary: In which, Ricky and Nini have to sneak around Ricky's sister and Nini's best friend, Gina, to hide their little fling. See how long the secret lasts.

*Rini fluff*


Nini has been friends with Gina since they met in middle school. Gina had been new in town and was hesitant to meet anyone since she was so immune to moving around the country. Nini however didn't let that stop her from approaching her at the empty seat beside her.

The moment they started speaking, they became instant friends. Gina had told Nini that she apparently moved to Salt Lake because her mom had moved her and her half brother, who was a year older than her, here after getting remarried.

When Nini learned she had a brother, she was excited to meet him, assuming he'd be just as pleasant as she was. After the first month, Gina felt comfortable with introducing her to her family. She had invited Nini over to hang out at her place so she can meet them.

She still remembers the first time she met them. Then again, it was hard to forget considering she got a bruise during the first few minutes she walked in. Gina's mother and stepdad had greeted her kindly and offered her a plate of cookies.

As she was diving for one, she hears the sound of a skateboard rolling on the wooden floor.

"Watch out!"

She looks over to see a curly headed boy flailing his arms around rapidly approaching her. Before she could move away, he had already slammed into her causing them both to fall to the ground.

Gina gasped and quickly kneeled down to their level. "Oh my god, Nini are you okay?"

Nini gives a thumbs up. "All good."

"I'm good too if anyone was wondering."

Gina scowled at him. "Nobody was."

Ricky rolled off of her and gave her a hand. She didn't get a good glimpse of him until he was hovering over her. He was a lot cuter than she thought he'd be. She had taken his hand and let him pull her up from the ground. He didn't let go immediately, and she was happy about that.

He smiles at her, and she felt butterflies form in her stomach. "I'm Ricky."

"Nina, but everyone calls me Nini."

"Well it's nice to meet you, Nini."

Their little moment was ruined when his mom smacked his arm. "Richard Michael Bowen, I told you not to skateboard in the house! Apologize to our guest."

"Sorry about that."

She shrugs. "It's fine."

Gina grabbed Nini's hand. "We're gonna go hang in my room!"

Gina dragged Nini behind her, bumping Ricky on the shoulder before heading up the stairs. Nini had caught herself looking back as she went up and was shocked to see he had been doing the same. She shyly turned her head to Gina and found herself blushing all the way to her room.

As they gossiped and traded secrets, Nini couldn't help but think about her brother. She'd find herself hoping he'd somehow find an excuse to walk in her room any second now, and luckily her wish came true.

He walked in with a bored expression on his face. Gina's smile fell at the sight of her brother. "What do you want dweeb?"

"Mom wanted me to ask if you guys wanted pizza."

"Sure, now get out! And knock next time you come in my room!"

He stuck his tongue out at her, and she mirrors his actions. He looked over at Nini and smiled. "Hi Nini."

Book of Love: Rini One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now