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Summary: All their peers and friends notice how in sync Ricky and Nini are, yet for some reason they don't.

*Rini fluff*


It's almost irritating how oblivious they were. How is it even possible that they don't see what literally everyone else sees?

Ricky and Nini have always had a next level bond ever since they met in pre-k, and that bond seemed to have only gotten stronger with time. They were so close to the point where people were convinced they couldn't survive without the other.

They knew every little detail about each other, and they hung out so much that they had become completely in sync with one another's movements. It was endearing to watch them from the sidelines. They were obviously into each other, but both rejected it anytime it was brought up.

Right now, Ricky, Nini, Kourtney, and Red were having a sleepover in Big Red's basement. Big Red had been the one to pitch the idea that they should have a hang out between the original core four members of their group before the others came along since it's been a while.

They had decided on watching a show first, but couldn't for the life of them decide what to watch.

"I'm just saying we should watch Stranger Things." Big Red states.

Kourtney scoffs. "We've seen that series like five million times by now. I say we watch Umbrella Academy."

Red grimaces as he shakes his head. "Nah, all I could think of when watching it is Aidan singing LAUV, and it kinda ruined it for me."

Ricky and Nini had been minding their own business on the couch, letting their friends go back and forth. They didn't really care what they watched as long as it was together. Nini sighed and looked up at Ricky.

"We should go prepare some snacks while they go at it. I feel like it'll be a while."

He smiled down at her. "I was thinking the same thing."

They both get up at the same time and walk over to the mini bar. Without speaking, Nini began working on the popcorn while he worked on the hot chocolates. They had moved around each other in perfect harmony, not even thinking twice about it.

Both Red and Kourtney had stopped butting heads when Kourtney pointed at them. They had watched in silence giving each other knowing looks as they watched the two. Kourtney couldn't stop the smile she got on her face when she saw Nini throw a popcorn kernel into Ricky's mouth.

Big Red leaned over to her. "When will they notice how perfect they are for each other? It's been driving me crazy for over a decade now."

"You're telling me. Gina, Ashlyn, and I have all joked about possibly tallying every time they do some coupley thing like this."

"What's stopping you guys? I'd totally join in on that."

"You know what? I just might. We can start counting now."

She whipped out her phone and started a list on her notes app. Her and Big Red snickered as they tried to think of every single time they did something flirtatious.

Nini tried to glance at Kourtney's screen. "What're you guys laughing at?"

Kourtney quickly hides her phone from their sight and both put on a fake innocent smile. "Nothing!" Both say in unison.

Nini didn't believe it for a second, but didn't feel the need to pry either. She set the popcorn in the center for everyone and plopped down next to Ricky. He naturally wrapped his arm around her and pulled her to his chest. She rested her head against his chest and wrapped her arm around his torso.

Book of Love: Rini One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now