Ho Ho the Mistletoe

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Summary: The gang tries to get Ricky and Nini under the mistletoe.

*Rini fluff*

A/N: Been screaming about the above picture for weeks now cuz it's so precious, and it works so well with this fic! 


The theater gang were all hanging out in the theater after a rehearsal for the Christmas Carol.  Most of the group had been discussing what they planned on doing during the break and if they wanted to get together at some time.

Carlos had realized that two essential people in their group were MIA. He glanced around the auditorium searching for the pair and spotted them alone talking amongst themselves at the piano. Nini had her head resting on his shoulder as they both played random keys.

He whispered something in her ear that made her giggle and nudge his arm teasingly. Carlos smiled at how cute they were being.

Gina nudges his arm. "Hey Carlos, are you listening?"

"What? Oh, no sorry. I was just distracted by those two oblivious lovebirds at the piano."

Carlos pointed at the pair and the group all directed their eyes to them. They all smiled at how adorable they looked in their own little bubble.

"I still can't believe they haven't gotten together yet. I've known both since kindergarten and can confirm they've had it bad for each other since forever. Neither have said it out loud, but it's obvious." Red says.

Gina huffs. "I've only known them for a year and could tell by the second day that they loved one another."

The others all agree. "It'd be nice to see them finally just kiss and get it over with so we don't have to deal with the 'will they won't they' thing anymore." Seb states.

A light bulb went off in Kourtney's head. "What if they did?"

The others all looked at her as if she had grown horns. Carlos raised a brow. "What do you mean?"

"Well it's the holiday season, so this is the perfect atmosphere for romance. And it just so happens that there is a specific object made for kissing."

Ashlyn perked up when she caught what she was getting at. "Are you suggesting we get them under the mistletoe?"

Kourtney nodded and the rest of the group all seemed to be on board with that plan.

"How do we sneak them under without them noticing though? I feel like it's hard not to notice. Also, someone else could easily accidentally walk under it with them." Red asks.

"Let's aim for places where they usually hang out in." Kourtney suggests.

Carlos smirks. "I like where this is going."

"We should plan this out later at my place. I don't want them to possibly overhear us." Ashlyn says.

All of a sudden, the doors to the theater door open revealing a disheveled and feather covered EJ. He runs in front of the group with a crazy look in his eyes.

"Whoever is giving me the 12 days of Christmas as my secret santa gift, for the love of god stop."

The sound of French hens could be heard from the door, alarming EJ. "I can't escape them." He ran to the opposite side of the gym as the others all chuckled at him.


During the evening they came up with the plan, that was eventually named Operation Mistletoe, they chose the following Monday to begin the mission.

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