This I Promise You

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Summary: Ricky and Nini revelling in their married life and being new parents.

*Rini Fluff/Lime*

Yes, that's her wedding dress as seen above.

(This takes place a year after Ch. 10 of A Taboo Rendezvous)


Nini entered her home with a drained look on her face. She loved running a label with her long time boyfriend, but it became very exhausting at times. She dragged her feet as she placed all her items on the nearby table.

She noticed the house was far too quiet considering it was only 7 pm, Ricky had been home all day, and there's no way he didn't hear her come in.


She hears a little shuffling and the sound of slow footsteps from the living room. "In here!"

She follows the sound of his voice and feels her heart warm up at the sight in front of her. Ricky had been surrounded by a bunch of stuffed animals on the floor, some PBS kids show was playing on screen, and there was an assortment of snacks on the coffee table. He was only wearing a pair of dark gray pajama pants while he was holding their son close to his bare chest, gently rocking him.

A lot has happened in the past year for the Bowen family.

After finding out Nini was pregnant, the couple was thrilled to welcome the new member of their little family. Though they planned on being married before the birth of their child, they ended up not finding the time to organize the whole shebang. Nini also decided she would probably have more fun at her wedding if she weren't pregnant, and Ricky totally agreed.

So the couple planned the ceremony as they patiently waited for their bundle of joy to be born nine months later. Much to their surprise, their son's birth came two weeks early. The labor lasted a total of 10 hours and was one of the most stressful and painful hours of Nini's life, but it was worth it.

When they both finally got to hold their baby boy, they realized that nothing on earth was more beautiful than the child they created together. They ended up naming him August Richard Bowen but called him Auggie for short, and he was the light of their lives.

Ricky beams when he sees his fiancé. "Hey babe, how was your day?"

Nini smiles as she approaches him. "It was fine I guess. Is Auggie asleep?"

He shakes his head and averts his gaze to the one year old in his arms. "Nope, he actually just had a nap 20 minutes ago. He just wanted to be held." He kisses the toddler's forehead. "Wanna say hi to your mommy?"

The toddler didn't know how to speak yet, so he just directed his hand towards his mother. Nini takes him from Ricky's arms and places him on her hip. She presses a peck on the child's cheek.

"I've missed you two. I feel like I haven't seen my favorite guys in years."

Nini and Ricky decided that they did not want a babysitter or doula for Auggie despite being able to afford one. They were far too attached to their only child and wanted to spend as much time with him as possible, so they settled on making a schedule on who goes into the office each week. This week, Nini went in while Ricky stayed with Auggie.

Since she was on her own at the office, work hours were longer, which meant less time with her family. She hated that part, but she grew to be okay with it when she realized she'd have Auggie to herself the following week and would hang out with the whole family at her mothers' house on weekends. It was the ideal schedule for everyone.

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