How To Mend a Broken Heart

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Summary: Ricky comforting Nini during the year Ethan left her at the alter.

*Rini hurt and comfort*

(The Wedding Date Universe)


Ricky has never seen Nini like this, and he never wants to witness it again.

For weeks, she was the shell of the person she used to be. She completely let the void in her heart overcome her, only allowing herself to smile every once in a while. She really only smiled for Ricky and her other friends sakes since she knew they were worried.

Her friends and moms tried their best to get her out of her depression by using different distracters and avoiding all topics relating to romance, weddings, or "Voldemort" Kourtney nicknamed him.

Most of the time, Nini would just put on a show for them so they'd leave her be, but Ricky of course always knew when she was pretending. He was the only person who truly knew how to get a genuine smile from her, but it took a lot of effort to do so.

In the past four months since the wedding, he's gotten a real smile out of her three times. Once was when he tripped on her sock, next was when he took her to their favorite diner, and the other was when he tickled her. It wasn't much, but at least it was something.

He missed her laugh more than anything. He hasn't heard it since the night before her bachelorette, and no matter how hard he tried to get one out of her she wouldn't budge.

He had been the most present when it came to helping her get back to normal, but it was a slow burn. He had spent the night every night beside her. She'd always cuddle with him when they were in bed or on the couch. Many days and nights were spent in comfortable silence. She needed his presence more than his sympathetic words.

When she did speak, it was always so low that he'd have to ask her to repeat what she said or duck his ear close to her lips. Their evenings were spent watching whatever series or movie they chose and eating comfort food. He'd occasionally take her out, but it was only when she had the energy.

One of things he hated most was when he'd have to leave her to go to work. His day started an hour earlier than hers, and she always looked so sad when he left. He even considered changing his schedule just so she wouldn't have to be alone. She of course told him not to since he's done more than enough.

One evening in particular, Ricky had come to her condo after work to see her in actual clothes instead of her usual pjs. She had her bag ready and seemed to have been waiting for him.

"Uh am I going crazy, or are you actually dressed to go in public right now?"

"You're not crazy. I read somewhere that there was going to be a dollar movie night downtown at that throwback theater and figured we should check it out."

"So you wanna pay to do what we've been doing for free in the comfort in your home?"

She shrugged. "Yeah why not? It's better than sulking and trying not to cry on your shoulder."

He smiled. "Is it weird that I really wanna hug you right now?"

"Not at all."

She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He planted a kiss on the top of her head. He swore he felt her lips begin to turn into a smile against his chest.

She let go and placed her hand in his. "Let's go. I don't wanna miss the previews."

He was shocked when he heard what movie she wanted to watch. It felt like one of the last movies she'd wanna see is Sixteen Candles. Sure it was more comedy than actual romance, but it's still known as a romantic film because of that iconic ending scene.

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