Teenage Wasteland

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Summary: After a nuclear explosion kills all adults over the age of 20, the survivors were left to fend for themselves.

What happens when two childhood enemies cross paths and have to work together during the end of the world?

*There's a non graphic sex scene*

~Loosely based off the show Daybreak~


October 15, 2021

This is not a typical love story. Then again, things haven't been typical for months now. I'm starting to forget what normal life was like. To whomever gets this journal in whatever time period you are in, know this, 2020 started as the worst year of my life, and yet I still found a silver lining. You must be a little confused, so it's probably best that I start at the beginning. My name is Nini Salazar-Roberts. I'm 19 years old, and this is the story of how I found a break in the clouds in the midst of a storm.


January 12, 2020

"You know Kourt, I think the future is looking bright." Nini says as she takes a book from her locker.

"And why is that?"

"Well, I'm basically on top of the world. I'm going to my dream school in the fall, I have amazing friends, I'm gonna be graduating at the top of my class, and I'm overall content with life at the moment. I haven't felt this reassured in a while."

"Well I'm glad you're finally gonna start stressing less. Lord knows you overwork yourself far too much for an 18 year old girl."

"Yeah yeah I know, but hey slacking and not stressing wouldn't have gotten me into Juilliard."

"I mean I guess, but enough about school. Since you're gonna start chilling, maybe we can go to a few parties or football games. I heard the after parties are hella fun even if they lose."

Nini scrunched up her face. "I said I was gonna stop stressing not go apeshit."

Kourtney pokes out her lip. "Ugh when are you gonna start easing up? You're gonna wake up one day and realize you let life pass you by and wish you lived a little."

"I seriously doubt that. Besides, the over fantasized teen rebellion trope is far too idealized by popular media. It makes kids think they have to party and rebel in order to feel alive when that's simply not true."

Kourtney rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Alright fine you win. We won't go partying. What do you wanna do instead?"

"How about we go to the movies? Haven't been there in a second."

"Sounds like a plan."

The sound of rock music blaring through some speakers erupted in the hallway causing both girls to turn their heads. Nini made a face of disgust when she saw the culprit and turned to face her friend having no desire to even look at him.

Her arch nemesis since childhood, Ricky Bowen, walked through the hall with his stupid gray speaker with his equally annoying friends walking next to him. Ricky and Nini have hated each other for as long as they could remember. She barely remembers how it all started, but she does know why she still despises him.

They were polar opposites in every way. He was a slacker; she repented procrastination. He loved to party; she loved to stay in. He was a total nuisance; she liked keeping to herself. The one thing they shared in common was their bitterness for each other.

"Does he always have to blast his fucking music every morning? God, he's the literal worst."

"I don't know. Then again, it's not like I'm trying to analyze the mind of a dumbass teenage boy." Kourtney looks over at him and notices he's approaching them. "Caution, he's on his way over here."

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