I'm Addicted & I Just Can't Get Enough

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Summary: When they got back together after the musical, Ricky and Nini can't seem to keep their paws off of each other. Their friends dare them to see if they can last a week without touching each other. Will they be able to last?


Ricky and Nini were as happy as ever when they got back together after the musical, and their friends were equally as happy since that meant no more awkward tension or longing looks anymore.

Their friends love seeing them together. They really do, but sometimes their PDA was just a little uncomfortable. They had been more touchy then ever since they were deprived of each other's affection for so many months. They weren't even this bad when they were together the first time.

They'd commonly excuse themselves from hang outs a little earlier to most likely go make out somewhere. In public, they literally couldn't take their hands off of each other. They were always cuddling or kissing in between words, and they would not pay attention to the others in the group because they were so caught up in each other.

They all were currently in the lunchroom talking about possibly going bowling later while Ricky and Nini had been loving up on each other. Nini had been kissing along his neck.

"Ugh get a room you two!" Big Red threw a fry at them, and Ricky threw it right back.

"You guys are so gross oh my god." Gina says.

"Ah leave them alone. They're just two fools in love." Seb tries to defend.

"Yeah even I gotta admit I'm getting tired of the lovey dovey crap myself." Kourtney adds.

Nini rest her head on Ricky's shoulder and looks at their friends. "I can't help it! He's too cute not to kiss. Also we have months to make up for."

The others groan and roll their eyes. "I bet you guys couldn't keep your hands off of each other for a whole week." Carlos challenged. The rest of the group all nodded in agreement.

"Is that a challenge?" Ricky asked amused.

"It is indeed a challenge, and I know for a fact that you two will lose since you're practically glued to the hip."

"What do we get when we win?"

Carlos thought about it for a second before he answered. "Well when you guys lose, you'll have to both pay for all of our admissions for bowling this weekend. And if by some miracle you two win, we will pay for your first date as a reconciled couple."

Ricky and Nini looked at each other and had an internal conversation with each other through their eyes. The others never understood how they could do that. They even did that when they were broken up. Big Red still thinks it's telepathy.

Ricky holds out his hand to Carlos. "We'll do it."

Carlos shakes his hand. "The challenge begins now."

Ricky and Nini swiftly detach from each other, and they both immediately miss the others touch. The others were amused at how stressed they already looked.

"Man I hope you guys have some money saved up because you're definitely gonna lose this bet. It's only been a minute, and you both look like you're about to explode!" Kourtney says.

The couple looks at each other nervously. "Ricky maybe we should sit on opposite sides of the table for the next week so we don't feel tempted."

"Totally agree."

He quickly got up and moved to sit by Big Red. He tried his best to avoid any eye contact with her so he won't feel tempted to go back to her.

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