Pocky Game

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Summary: Ricky and Nini get bored and play a risky game Nini found on the internet.

*Rini Fluff*



"Give it a chance."

"I already have, and I suck at it."

"Come on Neens, you should give it another shot."

"We've established a long time ago that I stink at video games."

"That's only because you quit when things get too hard."


"Neens, you literally have thrown the Wii controller at my chest when I beat you in Mario Kart four separate times."

"Your point?"

"My point is that you're a sore loser."

"Well, maybe I'm just pointing out the fact that the rules are completely unfair for unskilled gamers."

Ricky rolls his eyes. "Uh huh."

"Oh fuck off." She picked up one of the decorative pillows from her living room couch and smacked him with it.

He chuckled and threw the pillow to the side before she could do it again. "Alright fine, we won't play video games, but we have to think of something to do before boredom kills us both."

"Any suggestions?"

He taps on his chin. "Hm, wanna go biking?"

She shook her head. "Can't, I broke my wheels' axle."

"Dammit, how about we go swimming? I heard the aquatic center is still open til' 5."

"You'd be incorrect, Richard. They close early on Friday's."

Ricky groaned and plopped down onto his back on the couch. "Ugh, why can't we think of something to do? We literally never have this problem."

"Maybe it's because we did everything there is to do."

"That's impossible!"

"I mean, not really when you think about it. We've been hanging out for over a decade, so we were bound to end up in a slump."

He sighs. "I hate when you're right."

She smirks and scoots closer to his side. "Well, maybe I might not be completely right."

Ricky gasped and dramatically placed a hand on his chest as he sat up straight. "Nina, admitting she's not right about something for once? This must be some parallel universe."

She shoves his shoulder. "Shut up, and let me talk Bowen."

"Alright, what's up?"

"I was thinking that maybe we could Google some unique games to play that we've never done. You down?"

"Do you seriously have to ask if I, the person who loves spontaneity, want to try a new game we randomly find on the internet? It's like you forgot who I am."

"Your sarcasm is at an all time high tonight."

"You're the one to blame since you like to use sarcasm to tease me. I guess you rubbed off on me."

She playfully rolled her eyes. "Anyways, I'm gonna look up some games."

"Have at it."

She searches through a few websites and scrolls through a series of different games. She stops her finger when a game she has never heard of caught her eye.

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