And They Were Roommates! (Oh My God, They Were Roommates)

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Summary: Ricky and Nini have been friends since they were 5 and they both ended up attending NYU, so it naturally made sense for them to move in together.

One problem though. Ricky may or may not be secretly in love with his best friend.

So, he decides to make secret list of rules on how to not pine for her so he doesn't ruin what they have, but can he really do it?

A/N: Yes, I'm aware s4 is coming out this week, and I'd like to remind y'all not to discuss it or s3 in my stories or dm's, pls and thank you. I'm glad it's ending though, so I don't have to say this ever again.

*Rini fluff*



Ricky groaned as he plopped down on his unfinished bed.

He finally put down his last box in his room and decided he totally deserved a break. Him and his best friend in the whole world, Nini, moved in together to New York City since they happened to be attending the same university this coming semester.

It actually was her idea to move in together, which he didn't oppose since it just made sense. He didn't have to worry about not liking or knowing his roommate, which was a relief. He also didn't have to worry about community showers, claustrophobic dorms, and many other downsides he'd heard his pal EJ talk about when he was in his freshman year.

As expected, moving into a new apartment wasn't easy. And it really didn't help that they were moving across the nation from Salt Lake City. Nini, being the precise and prepared person she is, made them move in two weeks early so that they could settle in and get used to the city and campus before attending.

Shipping and handling cost a fortune, and Ricky and Nini decided to just rent a U-Haul when they got to the city and unload themselves. It was cheaper that way, but good god did it blow out both of their backs.

Ricky let the softness of his mattress engulf him until he felt the presence of someone in front of him. He opened one of his eyes to see who the culprit was and wasn't shocked who he saw.

"Ricky, don't get too comfortable. We still have to unload and return the truck."

He stuck his tongue out at his roommate, which made her scoff at him. When she saw he wasn't budging anytime soon, she quickly reached for his pockets and pulled out his keys. He popped up to an upright position to see what she stole.

"You aren't getting these bad boys back until you come with me to return the truck, Bowen."

He smirked and slowly got up from his spot, ready to run if she decided to book it.

"What if I just snatched those little things right back from your pretty little fingers?"

"I'd like to see you try."

When he swiftly attempted to reach for the keys, she moved them out of his reach and began running out of the door.

"Oh, no you don't, Sal-Robs!" He chased her out of the room.

He ran after her all throughout the apartment, and she managed to run all the way downstairs to the truck before he could get to her. She patiently waited by the vehicle until he arrived. He rested his hands on his knees and began panting due to being slightly out of shape.

She gave him a smug look as she watched him struggle for breath. "Looks like we're gonna take it back after all."

He weakly managed to give her the finger, which made her laugh as she hopped into the truck, starting it up in the process.

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