Five Ways to Say Three Words

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Summary: Ricky and Nini try to hint that they love each other using love languages instead of actually saying the words.

*Rini fluff*


1. Listening

Nini storms into her room and chucks her book bag across the room practically destroying her lamp in the process. She didn't seem to be bothered by it that much. She was too angry.

She fell on her back on her bed and grabbed the closest pillow she could reach to hold to her chest. Ricky just watched her from the doorframe with a poker face.

"So I couldn't help but notice that you're a little upset about something." He says sarcastically. She gives him her death glare and his playful smile disappears.

"Yeah well I have a good reason to be." She tightened her grip on the pillow and stared daggers at the innocent ceiling. He plopped down beside her.

"You wanna talk about it?" She got up and sat crisscrossed. "You won't believe what EJ did today." Ricky frowned at the name of her current boyfriend. He personally has never been a fan and never liked talking about him.

"I don't need to punch him do I?" He was worried that the jock maybe made his best friend uncomfortable. She shook her head.

"No, it's fine Ricky. I just am so angry that he'd do such an unforgivable thing! Like why doesn't he trust me more! I've done nothing but be a good girlfriend to him and he goes around my back and steals my phone because he thinks I'm cheating on him? Like have a little trust and respect in me dammit!"

She takes a break to breathe, and she begins to tear up from anger. He knows that the best thing to do is just listen to her rant so that she can get it out of her system. He knew that sometimes people just want to be heard without interruptions. She's always been like that since they were in kindergarten.

"I don't even know who I'd cheat with! Or what made him think that in the first place. He just has no respect for me which is why I had to end it the moment I saw him in the library. I couldn't bare being in the same room as him or the thought of being called his girlfriend anymore. I'm just so done with it all. I hate relationships."

When she didn't talk for a while, he knew that she was done. He scooted closer to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Men ain't shit." He z-snapped and rolled his neck sassily. She busted out laughing with her head hanging back. Her contagious laughter soon spread to him.

"Oh my god Ricky, that was the funniest thing ever. You always know how to brighten my day." She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Well it took me years of training, but I've finally mastered the art of putting a smile on your face when you're fired up."

She smiled up at him and placed her left hand on his leg. "Thank you for listening. I needed it." They both stopped for a second and gaze into the others eyes, and she could've sworn she saw him lean in a bit. If he did, he didn't pursue it. He suddenly became bashful.

"Hey so uh you wanna join Red and I at the mall? We're gonna buy some new wheels for our boards. I know you're not into skating, but it's a pretty good way to take your mind off of that asshole."

She smiles and pops up from her spot. Maybe she was just seeing what she wanted to see. "Yeah let me get my purse." If there were a shift between them that day, it was ignored.


2. Hurt and Comfort

Nini knew something was up the moment she laid her eyes on him.

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