Almost is Never Enough

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Summary: The few times their kiss was interrupted and the one time it wasn't.

*Rini fluff*


Fifth Grade

Nini watched in awe as she observed Big Red and Ricky doing various tricks on their skateboards that she could only dream of ever doing.

Ricky had successfully flipped over one of the fire hydrants, and Nini sprung up from her spot to applaud him. He bowed as she clapped for him.

"Ricky, that was amazing! How did you do that?"

He shrugs nonchalantly to try to appear cool. "Oh it was nothing really. All the skaters know how to do it. It's basically child's play."

Big Red tilted his head at him. "What're you talking about? You were practicing that for like two mon-

Ricky covered Red's mouth and gave him a look that said "dude let me have this."

"I'm super jealous you guys can skate. I wish I could do cool moves like that too."

Ricky removed his hand from Red's mouth and wiped it on his pants when he noticed Red had licked his hand. He rolled over to her and rested his hand on her shoulder.

"Do you wanna learn? I could totally teach you the basics if you want."

She beams. "Would you really do that for me?"

"Of course I would. You're my best friend."

Big Red scoffs loudly. "Hey, I thought I was your best friend!"

"Don't worry buddy, you're my dude best friend."

Big Red smiles content with his answer and begins practicing more tricks within the cul-de-sac.

"So you wanna start now?"

She nods eagerly. He hops off his board and places it in front of her. "Okay the first lesson is to learn how to balance on it while you're rolling."

He helps her on the board just in case it rolled away. He held her waist to secure her. "Okay now you need to begin rolling without falling, and you do that by leaning the way you want to go. Do you think you could handle that?"

She nods, and he trusted her instincts. "Alright I'm gonna give you a little push, okay?"


He shoves her lightly and watches as she slowly drifts farther from him. To both of their surprise, she manages to stay balanced as she went down the sidewalk.

"Ricky, I'm doing it!"

He gives her a proud smile and a thumbs up. "You're doing great Neens!"

The victorious feeling was soon replaced with worry when he saw she wasn't paying attention to the huge pothole in front of her.

"Nini, look out!"

By the time she noticed it, it was too late. The wheel of the board got trapped in the hole causing her to fall on her face.


Ricky quickly ran over to her and kneeled down to her level. "Are you okay?"

She groaned as she sat upright and faced him. "Yeah I think so."

He saw blood dripping from her knee. "Neens, your knee is bleeding!"

She looks down and makes a disgusted face when she sees the bruise that would for sure become a scar in the future. The sudden realization of the bruise made her feel the growing pain on her knee. She began tearing up.

Book of Love: Rini One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ