A Diary of a Whipped Kid

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Summary: Ricky gets a journal from his mom when he turns 6 and documents how him and Nini's friendship flourishes over the years.


When Ricky turned 6, his mother gave him a journal for his birthday. At first, Ricky resented the gift stating that it was a diary, and diaries were for girls. But when his mom explained to him all the things you can do with the journal, he finally caved and accepted the gift for what it was.

So the first thing he did when all of his guest left his birthday party was begin documenting his day.

Dear Jurnell (sorry I don't know how to spell that yet),

2 day I turned 6! Well actually I turned 6 a few days ago but I partied 2 day insted since my birthday was on a munday.

Anyways I got a lot of gifts 2 day. My mommy gived me this jurnell so I can right down all my thoughts so I'm gonna talk about my day.

My favorite gift was from my bestest friend Nini. She gived me a big bear that is very comfy and soft. I think I'm gonna name him franklin.

I will love franklin 4ever.

Well that's all I have to say 2day

Bye bye!

PS: I'm gonna give Nini a song book for her birthday. I think she will love it!



Dear Journal (finally learned how to spell it),

It's been a while. I'm now 9 and I'm in the 4th grade. Wow I really had bad grammar in my earlier elementary school days looking back.

Anyways, I usually only write in this when I'm confused or lost and have no one to talk to about it, so here I am.

Today at recess, someone made fun of Nini having two moms and I was so mad at them! Who gave them the right to make fun of an innocent girl? I'll never understand some people's personalities.

Nini cried the entire time and I had to comfort her while we sat on the bench for 20 minutes. I wanted to do nothing but hug her and make her feel better again, but she just kept on crying.

She was so sad that she didn't want to hang out with me after school like we usually do. I know she's not angry with me, but it still hurts that she didn't wanna be around me when she was upset.

When I go back to school, I'm kicking that kids butt. Doesn't matter if I get silent lunch or no recess forever as long as Nini is okay.

When she sees me again, I'm gonna get her some ice cream with the 5 dollars my mom gave me for school lunch yesterday.

Hopefully she'll be happy again. I'll write an update of her reaction when it happens.

Goodbye for now


Update: Ok I'm back and she said she just needed some space to think and she's not upset anymore but I still bought her her favorite ice cream. Still probably gonna kick that kids butt though. (1/15/12)


Dear Journal,

Wow 2 years since I wrote in this old thing?

Well I'm now 11 and I am basically an adult now. I'm in middle school so that's a pretty big deal I guess, but that's not the reason I'm writing right now.

So yesterday, something life changing happened. Well maybe not life changing but definitely something worth documenting because I wanna remember this when I'm older.

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