Paintball? More like PAINball

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Summary: Ricky and Nini playing an intense game of paintball with some of their friends.

*Rini humor/fluff*


"Yo how the hell are they able to get away with shit like this all the time? Like this is literally thousands of dollars down the drain." Ricky says.

Ricky and Nini had been watching one of the paintball episodes of Community on Netflix on his living room couch.

Nini shrugs. "I mean I wouldn't think too much into it since it is a community college run by sketchy ass people. Plus, when have we ever seen a show or movie with Alison Brie and Ken Jeong that was normal?"

"You gotta point there."

They both laugh as they watch some of the characters get shot dramatically as if they were actually going to die.

"You know, I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't want to try this at our college. Especially if the prize was first choice of picking classes because we all know that isn't a joke." (seriously it's extremely stressful)

Ricky ponders for a second. "Yo what if we did?"

Nini turns her body towards him, and they both made the exact same face they make whenever they're thinking the same thing.

"And what if we treated it like they do with the over exaggerations to make it more entertaining?" She pitches excitingly.

"And we invite some of our friends to join and do it exactly like the show." He adds with matching enthusiasm.

She snaps and points at him when another idea comes across her. "And we can even add in a little prize for the winner to spice things up."

"I love it! What should the prize be? Obviously something both us and our friends would deem worth fighting for."

She thinks for a second. "How about we all chip in $20 and whoever wins gets all the money combined?"

His eyes twinkle. "Yes! Oh I'm so down. I'm texting the group chat right now and we can totally hit up this outside paintball place down the street."

He doesn't hesitate to whip out his phone and text their friends.

The Glee Cast WISHED they could be us 💅🏼

Ricky Ticky Tavi: Yo Nini and I want to play paintball like the Community characters later today. Who's in?

Not So Little Red Riding Hood: Dude I'm so there. I'm gonna go full apocalypse mode on all of y'all asses.

Gina the ballerina: Fuck yeah I'll wipe out all of your sorry asses.

Efron's Power Bottom: As fun as messing up my clothes sounds, I will not be participating and neither will Seb since we will be going on a date. I'm rooting for Gina!

Gina the ballerina: Thx bae xoxo

Himbo Caswell: Is their a prize involved?

Gina the ballerina: There***

Himbo Caswell: I'm shooting you first just for that.

Gina the ballerina: iM sHoOtIng yOu fIrSt jUsT fOr tHaT

Ricky Ticky Tavi: Of course EJ asked about money being involved. And yes everyone who goes will pitch in $20 and whoever wins gets all the money.

NOT Kourtney Kardashian: Oof child that'll mess up my hair and I just got out of the shower. That's a hard pass for me. Y'all send pics though!

Book of Love: Rini One ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt