Bewitching Beauty

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Summary: The Salazar-Roberts family was far from ordinary. You see, their family had a curse that one of their ancestors created out of spite. Any time a woman of the family fell in love with a man, he'd die an untimely death. Nini swore to never fall in love because of it, but a certain curly-haired man makes it harder for her to keep her oath.

*Rini fluff*

~Inspired by the movie Practical Magic~

A/N: I meant to post this last Halloween, but I didn't get the time to. Hope you enjoy! It's a long one! Btw the pic above is the Salazar home. Also, I posted my Halloween costume at the bottom :)


The Salazar's were no ordinary family.

Far from it.

They resided in the small town of Coupeville, which is a town in Whidbey Island, Washington, for many centuries. The town had always been weary of them and commonly shunned them. It wasn't because they were unlikeable or mean people; it was because of what they are.

Nini Salazar-Roberts was aware that the town didn't like her family, but she never understood why. That is until her two aunts, Carol and Dana, pull her aside one day to explain everything.

They sat across the wooden table from the small 9-year-old with stern faces, and she thought that maybe she had gotten in trouble. She wonders if they found out about the bugs she used magic on to implode. She knows she's not supposed to use her magic for that.

Carol takes a deep breath. "Nini darling, we have very vital information we need to share with you. Now that you're old enough to understand, we need you to know your history."

"You know how the town always looks at us funny?" Dana asks.

Nini nodded. "Yeah, they always turn their noses up at us. It's really weird."

"Well, there's a reason for it; it's just not a good one. You see dear, our family has a reputation that's been passed on for centuries. It can be traced all the way back to the mid-1600's when the first Salazar witch was born." Dana says.

Nini tilts her head. "What does some descendant have to do with us?"

Carol reached over the table and stroked through Nini's hair. "Everything dear."

Dana sipped her tea before continuing. "Her name was Amelia Salazar. She gained her powers at the ripe age of 11 from a cursed flower she accidentally touched. She never used her powers for evil though and kept it a secret since she knew how people reacted to witchcraft. A decade later, she fell in love with a man named Phillip. Phillip loved her with all her heart and even proposed to her. They were in the midst of planning their wedding whenever she decided to finally tell him of her powers, but she would soon regret that."

Nini gasped and put her hands over her mouth. "Did he break up with her because of her powers?!"

Dana waved her finger. "Much worse dear. He broke off all ties with her and informed the entire town of her powers. Once she was outed, the town ordered for her to be burned at the stake, and her house was also to be torched since they believed it was cursed. Amelia only brought her witchcraft items before she fled to the highest peak of Coupeville, where no one dared to climb, next to the largest dead weeping willow tree, and built this very rusty old house we reside in. She jinxed the house so that no human could enter her premises without permission to avoid mobs. She was crestfallen and felt betrayed by her lover. In the middle of her lamenting, she pulled out her book of spells and began whispering words in Latin. She decided that all men were to never be trusted with such a secret and that her entire bloodline shall not give birth to males since she felt as if they'd poison their blood. She also cursed every woman in our bloodline to never have the ability to fall in love with a man without him dying an early death."

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