Perfect Distraction

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Summary: Nini needs a distraction from all her current work. Lucky for her, Ricky has the perfect solution.

*Rini smut*


Nini groaned as she shuffled through all the paperwork on her kitchen counter. Directing a high school play by yourself can be extremely stressful, especially when you're directing a musical as long as The Sound of Music.

She still was deciding on which auditions were the best for the roles of Maria and Baron. Her rent was due in five days, she hasn't had a chill day in months, and she was pretty sure she spotted a gray hair in the bathroom earlier.

She had been so consumed by the mess in front of her and her own thoughts that she didn't hear the front door of her condo open.

"Hey Neens."

She tilted her head up slightly and gave a polite grin to her best friend and roommate before turning her attention back to her audition notes.

"Damn you're so busy you can't say hi back? Are you still looking over the notes again?"

He walked to the kitchen and stood next to her to peak down at what she was so invested in. Her scribbles had looked like a bunch of nonsense to him, and he swore he saw a little bit of Tagalog on some parts of the sheet.

She didn't even look at him. "Yeah I've probably been staring at these notes for an hour now. You know how picky I am when it comes to casting the leads."

"Nini have you taken a break since you've gotten home? You look like you haven't slept in days."

"Gee thanks, and no I haven't rested yet. I can't rest until I've figured this all out."

"When are you gonna learn that you are a human being who deserves to relax every once in a while? Honestly, I'm kinda concerned you might over work yourself. I already know you're gonna end up choosing the right people for the roles in the end. You always do."

She lets out a sigh and looks him in the eye for the first time since he's gotten home. She knew he was right. She already felt like she was on the verge of passing out sometime soon, and her head had been pounding for three days now.

"Distract me."

He begins to absentmindedly play with the ends of her braid. "What can I do?"

"Something that'll keep my mind off work for at least an hour and not some movie or show because I won't pay it any attention."

He goes behind her and slowly wraps his arms around her frame pulling her back close to his chest. He rest his head in the crook of her neck and begins to rock them side to side.

She feels herself easing into his touch with every swing. He was so warm against her, and she felt all of the tension and stress slowly dissipate from her with just his touch. Her curious side wondered how much better she'd feel if he had been touching her in...other ways.

She'd be lying if she said that she never wondered what he'd be like in bed. Matter of fact, she admitted to fantasizing about him a few times and even having a few dirty dreams he starred in. She had never acted on it due to her fear of possible awkwardness between them or ruining their relationship.

But for some reason, she felt bold today. She reached up behind her and ruffled threw his curly locks pulling his head to her neck. She felt his lips graze her neck causing goosebumps to form. To her surprise, he tightened his grip on her and started pressing soft kisses on her neck.

She leaned her neck closer to his mouth as a way of telling him she wanted more. He seemed to have picked up the hint because he began to leave wetter, open mouthed kisses that would for sure leave red marks on her later.

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