The Forbidden Fruit

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Summary: Ricky was famous at UCLA for being the school's playboy. All the women wanted him, and all the dudes envied him. He could have anyone he wanted, except one person, his best friend.

*Rini fluff*


Ricky's eyes flutter as they slowly open. The sun was shining through the curtains, and he could hear the birds chirping on the tree near the window. He smiled at the peacefulness of his morning so far, but that didn't last long. When he stretched his arms, he realized it hit something beside him. He looks to his left and notices there is a woman in bed with him. He jumps since he completely forgot she was there. He started to replay last night to find out how he got here.

He remembers going to a bar last night and talking to a pretty blond. She was obviously hitting on him and wanted to get in his pants. Well, she definitely got her wish. He groaned as he rubbed his hands down his face. He hopped out of bed and intended to wake up the girl to escort her out only to notice that he wasn't even in his own apartment.

He wasn't sure how he didn't realize that the second he woke up, but that didn't matter now. He quietly got dressed and checked his phone for the time. He silently gasped when he saw it was ten minutes until 11:30. He had a meeting with his tutor at 11:20 today and promised her he wouldn't be late again. So much for that.

He tiptoed out of her dorm and slowly closed the door. The second he was out of there, he sprinted to the other side of the campus. He just had to sleep with some girl that happened to live on the polar opposite side of his destination. After five minutes of running, he finally arrives at the Oaks residence hall. He hurriedly showed the doorman his student ID before getting on the elevator and pressing the fourth floor button.

He ran over to room 278 and knocked on the door like a maniac. She opens the door seconds later with an agitated expression.

"Did you really have to knock so aggressively? It sounded like you were running from a murderer."

Ricky smirks. "Good morning to you too."

She rolls her eyes and opens the door wider for him to enter. "You're late."

He walks in and takes off his shoes, already knowing she hates when people wear shoes in her dorm. "I'm aware."

She sat on her bed and opened her chemistry textbook.

"You said you wouldn't be last time."

He sighs as he takes a seat next to her on her bed. "To be fair, I had an unpredictable night yesterday."

She scans him. "Is that the same outfit from yesterday?"


She sighs when she puts two and two together. "Were you with someone recently?"

He smirks and lays down on his back with his hands resting behind his head. "Why? Jealous?"

She chuckles and shakes her head. "No, I'd never be jealous of your activities."

"Sounds like you are. Are you upset you can't get any? I'd be more than happy to oblige if you ask." He makes kissy faces at her, which makes her smile.

"That's not the reason. I'm just more of a romantic is all."

He sits up straight and pulls her into his lap with her facing him, causing her to drop the textbook she was holding on the covers. She was unfazed since he did this all the time.

"You know, if you wanna find stability with someone someday, you gotta actually pursue them."

"If the right woman comes, I'd be more than happy to settle."

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