Pregnancy- Sebastian Stan {E}

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Y/N paced back and forth in her apartment living room trying to figure out what to do. She was pregnant with her boyfriend's baby at 23 years old.

Sebastian, Y/N's boyfriend of two years always talked about having kids, but not now. Sebastian was doing so great with his movies and Y/N was finally doing good with her business. Her office had been open for a little over a year now and she had many good lawyers in the office. Now was not the time for the couple to have a child running around the house. 

A tear slipped down her face as she thought of what could happen with a baby on the way. What if Sebastian didn't want the kid now and left? No, no he wouldn't do that to her. He always told her how he loved her and would never leave her. The Sebastian Stan Y/N knew would never leave a woman with a baby to fend for themselves. He was too loving to do something so cruel. Y/N's ex would do that. That was the whole reason they broke up in the first place. Y/N had a scare and thought she was pregnant and told her then-boyfriend, and which he proceeded to kick her out of the house and cut all contact with her. The pregnancy scare was nothing but a scare, her ending up not being pregnant. A few years later she found Sebastian and couldn't be happier. Or at least she was happy until she found out she was with child.

Y/N quickly threw all the tests away and cleaned herself up before Sebastian got home. She sat down on the couch, rubbing her hands down her face. She let out a deep breath as she heard the front door open up and close, shoes hitting the floor, and a backpack before Sebastian walked into the room, giving her a warm smile.

"Hi, baby." Sebastian said as Y/N stood up, kissing him. Sebastian wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist, pulling her closer. Sebastian trailed the kisses down her neck to her exposed chest, earning a moan from Y/N.

"Jump." Sebastian ordered, making Y/N jump up, wrapping her legs around Sebastian's waist. He walked them back to their shared room. He gently set Y/N down on the bed, breaking the kiss to slip his shirt over his head. He brought his lips back to hers, kissing her again. Sebastian takes hold of Y/N's shirt, ripping it off her body. He trails kisses down her neck, to her shoulder, and stomach down to the waistline of her pants. Y/N moaned out, earning a smirk from Sebastian. He unbuckled her belt. The image of the pregnancy test flashed in her mind causing her to push Sebastian off of her. Sebastian got back on top of her, thinking she was playing around.

"Seb, Seb stop. I'm gonna be sick!" Y/N said, jumping up off the bed and rushing to the bathroom connected to their room. Sebastian followed her into the bathroom, holding her hair up for her as she threw up. Once she was done, she fell back, hitting Sebastian's chest. He placed tender kisses on her forehead and hair before saying,

"Are you okay baby?"

"No." Y/N said, feeling tears brim her eyes.

"What do you mean you're not okay? Are you sick, is something wrong?" He asks concerned.

"No, I'm pregnant Seb. It's yours." Y/N says, the tears falling from her eyes.

"Y-you're pregnant?" Sebastian asked.

"Please don't leave me. I'm sorry. Please don't leave. Please." Y/N says, more tears falling down her face. Sebastian looks at Y/N, pulling her into a hug, trying to stop her cries.

"Y/N, calm down! I'm not going to leave you! Baby, baby listen to me! I'm never going to leave you. You're pregnant with my baby, why would I leave you babygirl?" Sebastian asks.

"Because that's what my last boyfriend did when we thought I was pregnant. I had a scare when I missed my period two months in a row and I brought up the fact that I might be pregnant so my boyfriend grabbed a bunch of my clothes from the drawer and shoved them in my hands and shoved me out the door. I found out two days later that I wasn't pregnant. But I met you." Y/N smiled weakly.

"Baby, I would never leave you. I love you more than anything in this world. And I love this baby already." Sebastian said, smiling at Y/N.

"I love you too Sebby. Can we get something to eat? I'm starving." Y/N smiles. Sebastian looks down, smiling and laughing.

"Yeah let's go baby momma." Sebastian says, pulling Y/N up off the floor.

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