Another TikTok Prompt {E}

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From the moment a baby is born, their world is black and white. Everything around them is in black and white. Grey is all everyone knows until they meet their soulmate. When they meet their soulmate, they begin to see the colors that live in the world around them.

Y/N never thought that the person that would be her soulmate was someone every girl hoped she would see color when she was around him.

The Battle of New York

Y/N tried to run away from the falling buildings and debris falling from the sky all around her. She was able to find a safe spot until the fighting was over, her shielding her head from everything falling around her. Her arms over her ears to block out the sounds of the aliens screaming around the city.

When the fighting was over, she crawled out from her spot under some fallen rubble. Blood pooled at the surface of her skin on her hands and knees as she crawled over broken glass, fallen parts of buildings, and pieces of nature around her. Y/N got up off her hands and knees, a group of men and a young lady walked toward her, checking to see if she was okay. The tallest of them walked toward her, smiling at her but stopped just short of meeting her. Y/N couldn't tell why he stopped until she looked up again.

Everything around Y/N had blossomed into beautiful colors Y/N had never seen before. Blues, greens, purples, pinks, yellows, every color of the rainbow set itself in Y/N's view as she looked around in awe at all the beautiful colors. The young girl spun in a circle as she stared at everything around her. Even among the fear and chaos that encased the city of New York, Y/N stared and smiled at the tall blonde in front of her, who stared back at her in awe. The others in the group walked off, leaving the two alone. The blonde made the first move saying, "Hello, I'm Steve Rogers."

"I-i'm Y/F/N." Y/N smiled shyly at the tall man. The two stayed quiet for a moment, looking around themselves admiring the beauty. "I never knew the world was so beautiful!" Y/N finally said after some time. Steve chuckled softly, agreeing and putting out his hand for the young girl to take. Y/N took his larger hand, the two intertwining their fingers together as they walked through the debris and rubble.

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