Just a Dream: Steve Rogers {E}

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Edited 05/19/2023
471 words


Y/N stood in front of the empty coffin that the love of her life should have been laying in. A tear rolled down her cheeks as she tightened the hold on the folded flag in her grip. She couldn't believe Steve was dead. She didn't know how she was going to get through life without him.

Steve died in a plane crash. He had to kill himself to save thousands of others. He died a hero. Y/N likes to think it would have been better if the plane would have crashed into New York, then she would be dead along with Steve...


Y/N stood in a black dress. It was form-fitting around the torso and came out around the hips, down to the knees. Her hair was in a bombshell hairstyle, with a short black vale over it, covering part of her face.

On the coffin sat a bouquet of beautiful pink and orange flowers.

Y/N held a tissue in her hand, as they lowered the empty coffin down into the ground. Bucky's hand rubbed up and down her back, trying his best to comfort the grieving widow of his best friend.


When the funeral was over, Y/N went back to Steve and her's shared house. Well, now just her's.

She relived the moment she got the news that Steve was dead.


Y/N was in the kitchen, making a pie when she heard the doorbell. She grabbed a towel, wiped off her hands then answered the door.

In uniform, stood a Sergeant.

"Mrs. Rogers?"

"That's me. How can I help you?"

"I regret to inform you, that your husband, Steve passed away this morning on his way home."

Y/N waited for two months for Steve to come home, to tell him they would finally be a family. But now she's a widow with a baby on the way.


Y/N and Steve agreed that if one of them died, the other would never remarry unless the other knew they were in good hands. And Steve always wanted kids. Now he has them, he just won't meet them.

Y/N heard a knock at the door, she walked to the door, to find Bucky on the other side.

She moved to the side so he could walk in. Bucky put his hands on her protruding stomach, saying, "How's the little monkey doing?"

"They're okay." She said with a small smile.

"More importantly, how are you?"

Y/N gave a sad smile, looking down with tears in her eyes. "Not so good. I really miss him."

"I know. Me too."

There was a silence in-between the two of them until Bucky spoke up. "You know, I could move in, help with the baby. I'm kind of worried about you. With Steve being gone and all."

"That's a good idea. You can take the spare room that isn't for the baby." Y/N said.

Bucky smiled, nodding his head, pulling Y/N into a hug.

Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant