Pregnancy #2 Final Part-Bucky Barnes

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The tiny, premature baby slept silently in the hospital-provided cot, making small baby noises that made Bucky smile. Y/N slept in the hospital bed on the other side of the room while Bucky watched over their tiny newborn baby boy, smiling at how healthy he was, despite being born four months early.

Bucky smiled at the adorable noises the small boy made while he slept under Bucky's watchful eye.

Steve walked into the room quietly, walking behind Buck and placing his hand on Bucky's shoulder, smiling at the baby. "What's his name?" Steve asked. Bucky smiled at the infant, looking at Steve. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a female voice.

"Chandler Grant Buchanan Barnes." Y/N said as she walked into the room slowly. Bucky rushed over to her with a smile, helping her walk over to the baby.

"Why'd you give him my middle name?" Steve asked. The couple looked at each other before Bucky explained.

"I was always going to give my first son your middle name. I love you man. That was always the plan." Bucky said. Steve smiled, embracing Bucky and Y/N, before looking down at the small baby who continued to make cooing noises happily.

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