You Decide to Adopt-Bucky Barnes {E}

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You had been dreading talking to Bucky about this because you didn't like bringing up the fact that you can't have kids. The two of you were slowly coming to terms that you couldn't have kids of your own, which was something that both of you wanted very much. You knew since Bucky came out of cryo in Wakanda he wanted kids before he died. And you wanted nothing more than to give him kids of his own. You knew that Bucky was able to give someone kids, but you weren't that someone. You had many arguments about not being able to have kids. At one point Bucky blamed you for not being able to give him kids, but he knew right away that he shouldn't have said that. He kept saying how sorry he was, even after you forgave him. But now you had to bring up the subject once again.

"Bucky, I think we need to talk." You said to him when he came out of the bathroom from showering, a towel drying his hair.

"Okay." Bucky said, throwing the towel into the clothes basket, sitting down on the bed across from you.

"I've been thinking a lot about this and I think this is going to be the right choice for us if we want to expand our family. I've been looking at some adoption websites and a lot of them have lots of babies up for adoption. I think we should make the next big move in our relationship. I want a baby Bucky." You say to your husband.

"I've been thinking about it a lot too. And I really want a baby too. But I don't know if we're going to be accepted because of who I am." Bucky says, looking down at his hands.

"Bucky, they're not going to look past us because of what has happened years ago. It's been almost ten years. You helped save the world when Thanos came back; if they can't see you for the real you, I don't think we need a kid from them." You say. Bucky smiles at you, pulling you to him.

"Let's adopt a baby!" Bucky says with a huge smile.

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