Just a Dream pt.2-Steve Rogers {E}

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Edited 05/24/2023
240 words

It's been eight months since Steve's passing. Since then, Bucky has moved in, we've got the baby's room ready and are completely ready for the baby to come. And when I say we, I mean me. The baby is two weeks overdue. I'm very very uncomfortable, to say the least. Bucky has stayed home with me since my due date in case I go into labor. Which should be anytime now. Hopefully anytime...


I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach, then felt something run down my leg. "Um, Buck?"

"Hmm?" He hummed

"M-my water just broke."

"It did?"


"Okay, let me call the midwife." He said, going off to call her. Bucky comes back, 10 minutes later, saying, "Okay, she told me to make sure you lay down on a bed. She will be here in 10 minutes."

10 minutes later, the midwife came into my room, ready to deliver my baby.

"Okay Mrs. Rogers, I need you to push on the next pain."

As I felt the pain, I grabbed Bucky's hand, pushing with everything I could.

15 minutes later, my baby was born.

"It's a boy!" The midwife said, putting him on my chest.

"What are you going to name him?"

"Steven. Steven Grant Buchanan Rogers. Name him after the best man I know." I said with tears in my eyes.

"It's a wonderful name." Bucky said to me, tears in his eyes.

Steve and I finally had a family, even if we aren't all together.

Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now