Joining the Avenger pt. 1-Steve Rogers {E}

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Y/N is in trouble. Huge trouble. She can't control the purple mist flowing from her hands, wreaking havoc around her. She watches the wreckage around her with teary eyes. People scrambled out of buildings and cars, trying to get as far away from her as possible. Cars lay on their sides or flipped on the tops, windows smashed out, glass littering the sidewalk and pavement around them. Windows and doors are blown out from the buildings surrounding the park the young girl is in.

Just on the other side of the park, trees rustle with a strong wind, the Avengers quinjet slowly landing, the hatch opening to let the occupants out. Y/N flicks her hands, trying to lift herself off the ground to get anywhere that the Avengers aren't.

"Damnit!" She cries softly to herself, willing her powers to lift her off the ground. The one time she needs her powers and they won't work.

Iron Man is the first to land near the frightened girl, shaking the ground slightly as his weight comes down. Thor is next, and then Captain America and Black Widow fall in line. Y/N's ears perk up at the sound of boots coming behind her that she wouldn't have picked up without her version of the serum. She knows it's Hawkeye and the Winter Soldier behind her without turning around.

"Please, let me go. I didn't mean for any of this to happen! If you let me go, y-you'll never see me ag-gain, I promise." Y/N says, voice weak and hoarse, tears falling from her misty eyes.

"Why would we do that?" Y/N hears Iron Man's tinny voice say. Fear courses through her when a repulser is raised to her, the same time Black Widow advances on her. She quickly sends the spy flying as she lifts herself off the ground. The purple mist is quick to vanish from her hands, sending her careening to the ground, a groan torn from her lips when she lands on her side, dirt rising around her. The witch makes haste to get to her feet, watching from the corner of her eye as Hawkeye sends an arrow towards her, exploding in midair, causing her to stumble back. Black Widow is right behind the arrow, sending two knives at the young girl. One grazes her cheek, and the other, slices through the arm of her hospital gown. Thor's hammer comes quickly after the others, missing Y/N but a few inches, the shield right after. Purple mist flows from her hands, flying toward the hero group, sending most of them backward, leaving Iron Man in its wake.

Y/N takes a deep breath, and stands back up, watching the big red tinman for his next move. Before he can do anything, Y/N lifts her hands, holding him where he is with her left, flicking her right wrist, pulling armor off of him, piece by piece, only stopping when strong arms wrap around her throat, pulling her backward, closer to the quinjet just as Iron Man's suit comes together again. The witch quickly lifts herself and the Captain off the ground, dropping him from her back. Bullets wize past her, several nicking pieces of uncovered skin, leaving bleeding streaks in their wake. Something crashes into the witch, pushing her to the ground with it. Y/N hits her hand into the middle of the metal surrounding her, pushing it back and off of her, scrambling to get up, watching Iron Man land in the dirt. She takes a deep breath, debating if she should just give up, when she sees from the corner of her eye, red mist, similar to hers, land gracefully ahead of her. With a sob and groan she gets to her feet, ready to give herself up.

"Y/N? Is that you?" The girl in front of her asks in a shocked voice. It takes a moment for her vision to clear enough to see Wanda Maximoff standing closer to her than she anticipated. Another sob, stronger than the last, falls from her lips as she falls into Wanda's arms. Her arms wrap around Y/N tightly, pulling her further into Wanda's chest, soaking her jacket in tears.

"Wanda, let her go and cuff her." Y/N hears Captain America say to her friend. The younger witch sobs again, releasing Wanda from her arms to look at her.

"Please don't let them take me. I'll go and no one will ever see me a-again. Please W-wanda. Don't let them do the same things to me." Y/N pleads. Wanda carefully cradles her face in the dainty hands, smiling gently at her.

"No one will ever hurt you again, I promise. The Avengers can help you. They helped me, they can help you too. You have to stop fighting now, let us help you." Wanda says in a quiet voice. A small hitch of her breath and Y/N nods her head jerkily. Wanda is quick to turn around, looking at the team with a sad look in her eyes. "Y/N was another experiment with Hydra. They were far meaner to her than anyone else. I tried to protect her but they eventually separated us. I haven't seen her in three years." Wanda explains gently, looking to the Winter Solider for help. "Bucky, you have to remember her. They held you in the same building for so long. Don't you remember her?" Wanda almost begs the older man.

Bucky lowers his rifle, taking a long look at the frightened young girl, recognition flashing through his eyes. "Y/N? Oh my God, I thought they killed you. They said they didn't need you anymore, said they got rid of you." Bucky cautiously steps forward, handing his rifle to the Captain as he walks to the two girls. When he gets close enough, he envelopes them both in a hug, pulling Y/N closer to his body as if to protect her.

"As beautiful as this reunion is, are you forgetting the damage she caused here? Put her in the cuffs and let's go!" Iron Man said, still pointing his repulser at the group. Both Bucky and Wanda pulled back from the hug, glaring at the red tinman behind them. The pair shared one last look before letting go of the younger girl. Wanda turned back to the other witch, red mist floating from her hands. Y/N's eyes grew wide in fear, her feet moving to take a step back. Wanda gently set her hand on Y/N's head, whispering one phrase in Russian.

"спи, дорогая." (sleep, darling)

Darkness overtook Y/N's world, dropping the witch into Bucky's arms, head resting on his broad shoulder.

Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now