Why Won't You Love Me-Steve Rogers {E}

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You walked the other way. Trying to walk away from your life. The life you've hated since you turned thirteen. The life you tried getting out of so many times. "Y/N! Wait! Please!" Steve yelled after you.

"Why? Why should I wait?"

"Because I love you! Why can't you see that? Why won't you love me?"

"Because I don't know how to! I don't know how to love!" You yell.

"What do you mean you don't know how to love?"

"Steve, I have had so many relationships that ended with me almost jumping off the building or taking those pills or cutting just a little deeper. I can't go through that again. I can't try to take my life again. I don't want another one of those relationships. I can't take it anymore. If I have another one of those I will kill myself. I'm on edge. I'm on the edge of jumping. I can't have that again. You deserve someone way better than me. I can't give you what you want. And I know that. Please, just pick someone else." I said.

"But I don't want anyone else. I want you. I promise you that I will treat you like the princess you are. I love you and I know you love me too. I know there was a reason why we met. I really don't want anyone else. I'm in love with you and only you. I won't let this go." Steve said. You had tears rolling down your face as you said,

"I know. But I won't let this go any further. That's why I'm leaving. I'm getting onto that plane and I'm not coming back. Because I know if I get into another relationship, I will end up killing myself. Please, Steve, don't follow me or try to stop me." You turned on your heel, heading towards the taxi you called. You knew you crushed Steve, but you didn't have a choice. You're leaving and not coming back.

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