He Cheats-Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers pt.3 {E}

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I wasn't going to post a part three but it was requested so here you go!

"She's asleep. She's heartbroken Buck. You broke her heart. Did you know that she cried herself to sleep last night? This morning in the shower she was crying, she just fell asleep after crying into my chest because you broke her heart. Bucky, you're my best friend, but I think it's best if you leave Y/N/N and I alone right now. I'll come to you when she's okay. Just give her time Buck, I'm sorry." Steve said. Bucky stared at Steve as he walked away.

Bucky walked back to his room, trying his hardest to keep the tears in. Once the door was closed behind him, he broke down. Tears ran down the super soldier's face as he stood in front of the door. 

Bucky collapsed onto the floor into a heap of tears. He stayed on the floor for a good hour, having a panic attack on top of crying over the loss of the love of his life.

Bucky gathered himself off of the floor, opening his mission uniform drawer in his dresser, grabbing a small box wrapped up in a glove. He opened the box to see the beautiful diamond ring sitting inside the box. More tears fell down his face as he looked at the small ring in the box he was going to propose to you with. Bucky felt the anger rise in him as he threw the little box at the wall with his metal arm. The box fell into the wall, creating a hole from the impact of the throw.

Bucky continued his fit of rage, throwing everything that he could pick up. Pictures were off the walls, torn in half, the dresser, desk, and bed strung out around the room. Clothing and random things lay on the floor around the room.

Steve comes into the room to see what all the noise was about. "What happened in here?" He asked upon seeing Bucky sitting against his bed frame with this arms around his knees, his head looking down at his lap. Bucky looks up at Steve, his eyes bloodshot from all the crying. Steve walks further into the room, closing the door behind again him. He walks to Bucky, pulling him up by the arms. He wraps him in a hug, letting Bucky cry onto his shoulder. After a while, Steve asks Bucky to explain what happened.

"Y/N came into the room wanting to show me something new she discovered but Wanda was in there with me, we were getting dressed from just getting out of bed. I don't even know why I agreed to do anything with Wanda. I love Y/N so much. I wasn't thinking. Wanda just lost Vision and I felt bad for her. I guess she kinda pressured me into it. I could have stopped her but I didn't and I don't know why I didn't. I guess I wasn't strong enough to say no. The thing is, I was going to propose to Y/N. I have the ring and everything." Bucky said, walking over to the hole in the wall, fishing the ring box out of it. He gave the box to Steve, letting him look at it.

"You need to tell Y/N that. She's hurting right now. She might take you back. I don't know what she'll do with Wanda but she might take you back." Steve chuckled lightly. Bucky agreed, making a plan with Steve to get you to be in a room with Bucky.


Steve pulled you into a spare room, telling you it would be your new room. Bucky sat on the bed in the room waiting for you to get into the room. When you saw Bucky, you started to walk out of the room but Steve stopped you, turning you around to face Buck. "Give him a chance." Steve said quietly to you. You sigh, but give in.

"Y/N, I am so sorry you had to find me and Wanda as you did. I never meant for it to happen. I love you so much. Wanda pretty much begged me to take her to bed. I felt so bad since she lost Vision so I caved. I wasn't strong enough to say no. I'm forever sorry I did this to you. I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore but please, don't be mad at me. I don't want you to not want anything to do with me." Bucky finished saying as a few stray tears rolled down his face. You pulled Bucky to you, placing your lips on his. You forgot how much you loved the feel of his lips on yours. It was like Heaven. He was your small slice of Heaven on earth.

"Okay." You say once you pull away, placing your forehead on his. Bucky smiled at you, kissing the tip of your nose. Steve left the room with a huge smile on his face. His best friends were back together again; he couldn't be happier.

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