Pregnancy #2 pt. 3-Bucky Barnes

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Twenty-two weeks

Y/N walked into the kitchen, where she poured herself a glass of orange juice, walking to the table where the rest of the team sat, having lunch and talking amongst themselves. She walked behind Bucky, starting to rub his shoulders from behind him. Bucky turned his head, kissing his wife on the lips and then her protruding stomach. The team continued to talk about whatever they were talking about, Y/N quietly joining the conversation. Bucky looked at his plate as a petite and childlike hand reached up to his plate, stealing a strawberry off of it and running off. Bucky quickly got out of his chair, chasing after his young daughter. Y/N giggled at her ever-growing family, sitting down in Bucky's seat.

A sudden weird feeling ripped through Y/N's stomach, making her gasp and grab her stomach. Bucky was next to Y/N in a second, kneeling next to her. "What's wrong? Is something wrong with the baby?" He asked his wife in fear.

"No, nothing is wrong. I just felt the baby move." Y/N said in a joyful voice. She grabbed her husband's hand, placing it on her stomach. She then grabbed Steve's hand, who was sitting next to her, placing his hand on her stomach. Bucky smiled up at his wife, kissing her stomach and then her lips. The rest of the team managed to feel the baby moving in Y/N's stomach, finally voicing how excited all of them were to have another baby around the compound.


Y/N and Bucky lay in bed, Bucky laying on his side while Y/N slept on her back. Y/N was startled awake by a wet feeling between her legs. She pulled the covers back, turning on her bedside lamp to see a puddle of blood on the sheets. She slapped Bucky's arm, trying to wake him up. He slowly woke up, rubbing his eyes as he turned around. He looked at the sheets, seeing the blood on the bed. The super soldier sprang out of bed, putting a shirt on and a pair of slippers before picking Y/N up out of the bed bridal style, running out of the room. "Bruce! Bruce get up! Somebody, please help us!" Bucky yelled through the compound, setting Y/N down on the couch. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, get Steve and Bruce up, please. Tell them it's an emergency. " Bucky said to the A.I. The A.I did as told, waking the two men up.

Steve was the first one up and out of his room, going out to the living room to see what was going on. "Buck, what's going on it two in the morning." He said, rubbing his eyes.

"Y/N is bleeding. I think she's losing the baby." Bucky said with tears in his eyes. Steve's eyes went wide as Bruce came out of his room, looking at Y/N and the blood on her pants.

"Get her to the hospital wing. Now!" Bruce said.


Bucky paced the waiting room, waiting for Bruce to come out and talk to him.

Bruce had come out not long after, looking at Bucky with a sad look. "She's unfortunately gone into labor but I gave her something to slow it down, hopefully, stop it but I don't have the right training for this. I've sent Steve to get Tony and Pepper for them to call doctor Cho for her to come down. She's bringing a few other nurses and doctors since it seems the baby is coming sooner than expected. I believe both mom and baby will make it through this. Doctor Cho and her staff are very good. They will do everything they can to keep both alive. Hopefully, she can delay labor for a few weeks so the baby is more developed so they have a better chance of survival. I'm really sorry Bucky. Go ahead and go see her. She's on monitors so if anything changes, I'll know." Bruce said. Bucky thanked Bruce before walking into the room. Y/N sat up in bed, looking down at her stomach. Bucky walked next to his wife, grabbing her hand, and getting into the bed with her. Y/N cuddled up to him, crying into Bucky's chest.

Bucky stroked his wife's hair, whispering sweet nothings into her ears until she fell asleep.

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