Pregnancy #2 pt. 2-Bucky Barnes {E}

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A/N- in this story, Romanogers is a thing. Steve and Natasha are married and have been for a year now

Thirteen Weeks Pregnant

When you and Bucky told Daisy she would be having a little brother or sister, she was ecstatic, to say the least. The young girl was always talking about how she would dress her little sister up and play with. You and Bucky had to keep reminding her the baby could possibly be a brother too, but she had said she didn't want a brother, only a sister.

Then when you told the team, they were surprised and elated to have another little one running around the compound. Steve and Natasha were especially excited since they couldn't have kids together since Natasha was sterilized in the Red Room in Russia. Wanda was very excited to have another little one to play with. Everyone else on the team was very excited for you, seeing how everyone thought you couldn't have kids of your own.

You couldn't have been happier you were carrying a child and you loved him or her more than anything but you were pretty sure the baby hated you. You were barely getting any sleep at night, being woken up by the need to throw up. By the second night, you were pretty sure you had nothing left to throw up. Bucky was starting to get worried about you, seeing you so miserable not being able to leave your shared room, or bed for that matter most of the time.

Bucky finally had enough of seeing you that way, picking you up bridal style, taking you to Bruce in his lab. "Bruce. You need to help Y/N. She's so sick. She can't keep anything down and looks like she's losing weight. Please help her." Bucky said to Bruce in a slight panic.


Bucky stared at his wife lovingly as she slept in a bed in the hospital wing of the Avengers compound. Her head was resting on her shoulder, her left hand resting on her stomach, her other arm straight at her side. An I.V was taped to her left hand, giving her fluids and nutrients she had lost the last few weeks. Bruce quietly walked into the room, putting his hand on Bucky's shoulder, tilting his head for him to follow him so they wouldn't disturb Y/N's sleep.

"Y/N was really dehydrated from throwing up so much. She should stay on fluids for a few days then she'll be okay to go. I'll give her some anti-nausea medication so she can hold food and drinks down so this doesn't happen again. She can probably go back to your room tonight but she'll have to stay on fluids for at least two more days. She's okay though Buck." Bruce said with a smile. Bucky thanked him, going back to Y/N's side.

The young pregnant Avenger stirred in her sleep, opening her eyes slightly to look over at Bucky. "Hey, doll. How're you feelin'?" Bucky asked, sitting forward in his chair.

"I've felt better." She chuckled slightly. Bucky smiled slightly at his wife, taking her hand in his and rubbing circles into the back of it. "Can you cuddle with me please?" Y/N asked after several minutes of neither of them saying anything. Bucky smiled at his wife, climbing onto the bed with her and pressing his front against her back.

"I love you Y/N."

"I love you too Buckybear."

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