Request for Katie-Chris Evans/Sebastian Stan

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For- katie5848

Chris grabbed his adopted daughter, Katie's hand as they tried to weave through the crowd. The one thing Katie hated about being the adopted daughter of a famous actor was the consent eyes on her and her father, and the paparazzi always following them around, snapping pictures of them. All. The. Time.

She already didn't feel good to start with, but the crowd and yelling paparazzi were making her feel ten times worse. Suddenly, she stopped dead in her tracks, her hand falling from Chris' and shooting to her head. Everything spun and twisted around her, making her stumble slightly. Sebastian stood behind her, catching her before she crashed to the ground. Chris looked back, worry flashing in his blue eyes as he looked at Katie, laying slightly limp in Sebastian's arms. Chris rushed back to his best friend and daughter, taking her in his arms. He gently picks her up just as she started to shake violently in his arms. Sebastian watched helplessly as Katie lay in Chris' arms, his eyes widening as she continued to shake and thrash around.

"Is someone a doctor? Please, anyone?" Sebastian yelled, looking around at the people crowded around them. When no one responded, Sebastian got down on the floor with Chris, trying his best to stop the seizure that was racking Katie's body. Chris let Sebastian move the girl to his lap, knowing he had taken a medical class and knew what to do. Well, knew more than Chris did.

As his best friend worked, Chris could hear someone on the phone with emergency services, telling them what was going on. Chris was thankful for that because he knew if he was on the phone with them, he would break down into tears. 

The distant sound of sirens could be heard across town, slowly getting closer to Chris. The sound suddenly cut off as paramedics stepped into the picture, taking Katie away from Sebastian and putting her in the ambulance, Chris following closely behind and into the vehicle.


"Mr. Evans?" A doctor said, stepping into the waiting room to talk to Chris.

"Yes, that's me. Is Katie okay?" He asked, standing quickly from the uncomfortable chair he had been stuck in for the past two and a half hours.

"I'm sure you gathered that Katie had a seizure. We think it might have been stress-induced. Her blood pressure was through-the-roof high, and we think that might be what caused the seizure. My partner wants to run a few more tests just to rule other things out but we need your permission." The doctor explained. 

"Yes please, do anything you have to. Can I see her?" Chris asked, dropping his hand from where it sat on his face as the doctor talked.

"She is sedated right now, we needed to keep her calm and wanted to prevent another episode from happening but you can sit with her. And when we take her back for more tests, you can sit in her room. Follow me, Mr. Evans." The doctor said, walking back into the hospital, leading Chris to where his daughter lay, asleep in a bed.

Chris couldn't help but notice how small Katie looked in the large hospital bed. Tubes and wires were taped to her skin, connected to different machines crowding the head of her bed, making the room look slightly smaller. Chris let a small noise leave his mouth, walking further into the room and taking a seat beside her bed.

Chris stroked Katie's hair as she slept in the hospital bed, feeling hopeless that they wouldn't find what was wrong with her. "You can't leave me, Katie, you're the best thing that has happened to me. I've watched you grow up and I'm still watching you grow into a young woman, you can't leave. I won't let you. I'm going to get the best medical care in the world, it doesn't matter the cost. I don't care what it takes me, I want to make sure you're okay and healthy." Chris whispered, pressing a kiss to Katie's forehead.


"Hey, Chris. How's our little fighter?" Sebastian asked as he walked into the hospital room, carrying a bouquet of flowers in one hand, and a stuffed animal in the other. He smiled at Katie, seeing a smile take over her tired face. "Hey, pumpkin. I brought presents for you!" Sebastian said, handing the stuffed animal to the young preteen, and setting the flowers on the table next to her bed. "Anything new?" Sebastian asked, turning to his best friend.

Chris rubbed his hand down his face, sighing out before saying anything. "They are starting her on some new seizure med tonight along with some high blood pressure medication to keep it down. Doctor Henderson said if her blood pressure can come down and stay down for a few days with the meds, they'll take her off that medicine and see if she can keep the pressure down for at least two days without anything helping it. If she can, he said we can go home but she'll have a monitor thing on her arm all the time to watch her blood pressure and make sure it stays stable. If she stays stable, we'll just keep the monitor on and keep her on the medications she is on now." Chris explains, looking over at Katie, who had zoned in on the movie playing on the television.

Sebastian and Chris continued to talk, Katie not paying any attention to the two men in her room; she was too focused on trying to keep her eyes open so she could finish watching the Disney movie that was playing. Chris looked over at his daughter a few minutes later, seeing her sleeping peacefully in the bed, wrapped in the blanket he brought from home and cuddling the stuffed animal Sebastian had brought her. "Well, I hope the new medications work for her." Sebastian said after a few minutes of silence, breaking Chris from his thoughts.

"Yeah. Me too."

Here you go, Katie! I'm so sorry it took so long and it's not very good! I hope you're happy with it!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2022 ⏰

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