Nightmare-Chris Evans {E}

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I'm woken up by the bed shaking. I look over to see sweat beads on Y/N's face. She's mumbling something in her sleep while thrashing around her side of the bed. I know it's a nightmare, seeing as she gets them regularly. But she's never woken me up before. 

I knew when Y/N and I started our relationship that she never had a good life. She was abused by her parents until she was taken out of that house and placed into foster care at thirteen. She was bounced around until she was eighteen and kicked out of her foster parent's house. She managed to move in with a friend and get a job to provide for herself. She met me when she was twenty-three and we've been together since. Four years we've been together. I love her with my whole heart.

"Y/N, baby wake up." I say, shaking her awake. Y/N shoots up, taking a few deep breaths before looking over at me. I pull her into my arms, stroking her back as she cries into my chest.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask as she pulls away from my chest. She shakes her head, telling me no. I drop the subject, pulling her down onto the bed and my chest.

"Get some sleep baby." I say to her. She snuggles closer to my chest, as I listen for her breathing to even out. Before I could hear it even out, I'm asleep cuddled to her.


I feel Chris' chest rise and fall at an even pace, telling me he's asleep. I slowly get out of bed, careful not to wake him, going down to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. 

Once my tea is made, I grab my journal, writing down what my nightmare was about. 

It's going to be a long night.


I wake without Y/N in the bed. I walk downstairs and see her sitting in a chair with a cup of tea, looking out the window down at the city. I walk up behind her, placing my hands on her shoulder, and rubbing them.

"Come to bed baby, I'll call into work today so we can stay in bed today." I say into her ear. She nods, getting out of her seat and setting her mug on the counter. I pull her up the stairs by her hand, bringing her into our shared room. We get into bed, as I pull her to my chest. We lay like this for a while until her breathing evens out. I snuggle down closer to her, falling asleep myself.

I love this girl so much

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