Adiris (DBD) Part 4

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We searched the entire city, its catacombs and places I don't know but we haven't located any of them. Base on our estimation, they're all dead and rotting. I can barely fathom what Adiris was feeling, when the initial grief I felt died down, I worked myself worn, I know Adiris doesn't want me to wallow in grief but instead help the city and its people on the path to recovery.

After a year of working non stop, helping the majority recover, I finally have time to go on a vacation, my parents insisted and so is the king. I argued but then, they whisk me away to travel in Egypt, which I tell you is very hot in the morning but freezing cold at night.

After a long travel, I have finally arrive. My cousin Iris, a royal healer in the court of Psamtik II, welcomed me including the royal court and the Pharaoh."I'm sorry of what happened to the woman you loved, (Y/n). I will do best in my power for you to get back on yourself." Iris visited me in my chamber while we talked about everything. I told her I was catatonic for a day after I learned on what happened on Adiris. After a long time of talking, laughing and crying she bids me good night. 

I wake up feeling thirsty, sitting on the bed feeling lazy to get out, I see a someone leaning with their arms on the window, looking outside. My heart beating so fast I think the person can hear me. Foul odor assaulted my nose, a smell so familiar. The odor of a rotting flesh from a live person. 

The plague reached here?

My doctor instincts kicking in, I call out to the person.

"It's a beautiful night isn't it?" I waited for what feels like a century before the person answered.

"Not as beautiful as you." 

Goosebumps raise on my entire body. Tears clouded on my eyes, I didn't answer her right away. All the memories coming back to me, the pain, the anger, the loneliness. They all rushed back to me.

"You're just a figment on my imagination, you're not real." I slap my myself to wake me up on this dream. The rotting stench filling the entire room, making me gag. 

"Then why are you retching?" I can hear the coyness and smirk.

"I will call the guards if you don't show yourself." 

"One of the many reasons why I love you. You never let the fear you feel inside take over you." The silhouette turn around and I can see the woman that I love. The beautiful High Priestess of the Temple Of Purgation. Adiris.

"Adiris." I softly speak. The disease has fully integrated on her body, I can see that her entire body has rotted and  only the right side of her face remains. No wonder the smell.

"I came back as I promised." I can taste the decay on my mouth but I ignore it, she continue to stare at me, with her misshapen face, making her look beautiful but grotesque at the same time. There is something wrong with her, I cannot tell what it is. 

 Before I can even answer, all the candle lights are blown off. Like a strong gust of wind entered the room, making me close my eyes due to the dust and removing the putrid stench. When I open my eyes, Adiris is standing tall in front of me. With her incense, headdress and all. 

"I'm sorry if I put you in a painful situation my love." I remain rooted on my bed, taken aback. She caresses my face with her hands, and I lean into her touch. 

"Can I kiss you?" She ask softly, common sense and doctor instinct already got blown by the wind. I nodded and she lifts my chin gently and she leans down to place a kiss on my mouth.

The door opens and I look at Iris, who stands with a ceremonial dagger on her hand and a blazing fury in her eyes.

"(Y/n), stay away from her! She is the reason why the plague spread to other continents." 

Adiris quickly places a soft kiss on my lips and face my cousin. Her tall stature dwarfing Iris, who is the tallest woman in our family. 

"Is that true?" Adiris clucked her tongue in annoyance before she pulls a dagger of her own out from nowhere. It appeared in thin air. Then I realize what was wrong with her. She should be dead and not walking amongst us.

I run towards Iris, my fear taking over my entire being. Adiris face contorted into rage.

Oh Adiris, what happened to you?

Okay, here it is

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