Azula x Reader Part 3

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"Ouch! Stop it!" I swat her hands away from me, making me lose my balance and fall face first to her chest.

So soft! Focus (Y/n).

She chuckles and hugs me carefully, I push myself up, big mistake. Her beautiful doe-like eyes are eyeing me with concern. We just stare at each other when she captures my lips softly with her own. I immediately kiss her back and she bites my lower lip. It starts to feel like a river down below.(😉). She easily dominated the kiss, and I know that she knows how much I want, no, I needed this.

"Oh god, this is more than I can imagine," she softly said after we parted. Im panting softly, wanting her addicting peppermint taste again. I stare down and watch her hand entwined with mine. I really need to focus here.

I stand up and grunts in pain, she still looks at me, observing what Im gonna do. Im trying to flex my fingers but it seems Ty Lee went overboard and my chis are still block. I run my hand to my hair, sighing in frustration when she stands up.

Holy shit! Shes ripped. Her well defined 8-pack abs, her toned and slim looking biceps. Her long and lithe legs that screams for long, wet and steamy  nights. I look at her chest. Its perfect. 10/10 physically, but shes unstable mentally.

"This is a mistake. What do you want from me?" I turn my back against her. A heartbeat pass when she hug me from behind. Leaning her head onto my shoulder. She rocks me back and forth gently.
"Its always you (Y/n), eversince we were kids. Im madly inlove with you. Eversince you defended me from father," with her left hand, she traces a huge scar that stretch from my hips to my ribs. Her breath tingling my ears. I just suck a huge gulp of air when she starts to pepper my neck with open mouth kisses, I just went still. Trying hard not to give in when she bites my pulse point and I almosr lost my footing. She quickly supports me and made me face her.

There are tears in her eyes. It made my heart clench, but there are alot of prices to be paid and scores to settle. The scar was one of them.

"Why wont you love me?" She ask desperately, my face is an expressionless mask. I dont want to answer, it might trigger her to do something crazy.

Her face morphs into anger and it seems ber eyes are blazing. Lightning crackling at her finger. Im waiting, you see. My plan is to escape, inorder to do that, I need her to destroy the walls in the train so I can jump my ass. Its gonna happen now any moment.

The door opens and a gleaming Ty looks at us. She frowns and turns to Azula.

"Hey, we are nearing the wall. In the next 15 mins, we are gonna be in Basing Se. Soooo, I'll leave you guys. Ciao!" She closes the door softly and we can hear her footsteps.

"Wait, how long have Ive been out?" I swear that we are still in the sea, and now we are in Basing Se?

"2 weeks. Ive been taking care of you, bathe you and stayed at your side. Because I love you so much. Why cant you see that!" Then she stretch her right arm and lo, fire explodes and the train wall is destroyed. Or so I thought, I can see Apa with the Avatar! They broke the wall.

"Hurry your butt (Y/n)" Sokka yelled, holding out his left hand, and I jump, but I didnt get him, a painful wave surge in my abdomen and a spray of blood escapes. What the fuck did really happened to me?

I continue to fall, my consciousness fading. Katara quickly whips out a water tentalce to catch me, and I grunt in pain.

Lightning rips from below and Apa barely dodge it. Katara succesfully pulled me up and Im bleeding. She heals me with her water, the pain subsides.

"I have to clean but not right now, we need to stop Azula from drilling the wall with that train. Okay?"

I nodded at her and peek down.

I can see Azula in her military outfit, rage blazing in her eyes, her raven her billowing in the wind. Apa fly's away to get Aang in a good vantage point. Sokka discussing him the pointers. I can feel mysely nodding off to sleep.

Here is the part 3! Im thinking of doing a minific for her. Will she make a good yandere? Or something else. Comment your thoughts and please vote.

P.S sorry for the late update. Reign part 2 will be uploaded soon. Its just that my dog is sick.

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