Adiris (DBD) Part 3

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A week passes by and I didn't hear from Adiris, nor I've seen her walk around the entire city, I sent Crius with a message to my father or mother asking for the whereabouts of the priestess and its followers. Due to non stop devotion that we did and through cooperation of the people, we are able to eradicate it, the fact that there are no people left to be infected. Soldiers and healers strictly followed the laws my father and mother passed down through the regent.

"My lady, you should take a rest." One of the soldiers implored at me. I smile at him and continued to take care my last patient, an old man name Akkadia, he's pretty ancient and he told me a lot of wonderful stories. This man right here is a trooper. 

"You know he's right (Y/n), it wont hurt us we have other healers here." I pouted at them and they laugh. They feel like a family to me, Ectanis the soldier is a loyal bodyguard to me and heres granpapa Akkadia.

"Okay, I will ask some of the available healers outside. Be in your best behaviour, we don't want your shoulder to tear open again." Akkadia nodded and I walk outside to the bright sunshine, almost blinding me. A bustle of people makes me smile, the city is alive but we are still mourning, almost two thirds of the city died, while the remaining people hide from their homes and only coming out when needed.

After a long walk towards my private tent, I quickly takes a medicated bath and burn my gowns. I have ask some of my trusty friends but they don't know what happened to Adiris. I want to go to the temple but my father warned me not to go as it is one of the epicenter. After a eating a simple meal, I walk to my bed and sleep.

A loud noise wakes me up, soldiers stopping someone.

"I'm awake!" I hastily dress myself in my gowns and mask and went outside. It's night, the stars are twinkling, a woman stands in there, shivering at the cold. I grab a spare blanket and give it to her, for which she is grateful.

"My Lady (Y/n)?"

"Yes, are you okay?"

"I will be after I deliver this message. Grand Priestess Adiri and a group of her followers went outside the city, to where, we don't know. I implore you Lady (Y/n), theyre going to succumbed to the sickness. Especially the priestess, she told me how much she loves you and do not look for her." I can see clearly that she's healthy, but her left food is covered with a thick cloth.

"She healed me with a sacrifice from her. My husband is with her, telling us that the priestess and the people with the worst case of the plague will die in isolation to prevent from spreading." She's crying right now, my heart is broken, Adiris break her promise.

"Where are they?" Ectanis my bodyguard is rallying troopers and sent out a hawk to the HQ to inform them of what's going on. We get to work right away, not a moment to lose. If they get out of the city gates through under ground tunnel they might spread the sickness. 

"We will find them your Ladyship. We will be reunited with them." The woman named Eshkalgar tried to comfort me.

"We have to find them Ectanis, or all the hardwork will be in vain." A fellow healer said.

We hurriedly ride our horses bearing our equipment towards the Temple of Purgation. 


We arrive at the temple, we rush inside and the entire horror is staggering. Dead bodies lined up and already rotting, I choke on my breath when near the altar, I saw a scroll with my name on it. I open in gingerly, my hands shaking.

My love. I'm sorry.


I drop it and tears flowing down on my face, Ectanis, at my side and Eshkalgar, the rest of the healers and the workers and soldiers have arrive. But I feel numb, its like my soul was ripped out. I can't bear to think that she is suffering or probably dying. 



But no ritual could save her. In a desperate attempt to appease the Gods, Adiris banished herself from the city. She traveled north with a few followers, venturing through the cold woodlands of Urashtu, until it was no longer possible to walk.

They camped in a damp cave, where Adiris lay in a pool of vomit. Her foot, which had turned black, was so swollen she could not go any further. Her followers and she realised the truth in that cave: they were all infected with the plague.

Kneeling among her retching followers, Adiris made one last prayer. The black fumes of incense rose into the damp air before being wiped off by a cold breeze.

Neither the body of Adiris nor those of her followers were ever found. Many told tales of her return, but no one truly knew what fate had befallen the High Priestess of Babylon.

Okay, so I copied the last part because I think this is a good ending. 

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