Poison Ivy x Reader (Harley Quinn Series)

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Im sitting in Pamela's couch, waiting for her to comeback with Harley's  crew, something about trying to fix that random earthquake thats been goin on in their hideout. Frank, her very talkative plant, whom the closest thing he resembles is a venus fly trap.

"So, would you like to smoke some doobs?" He ask,I shook my head and he proceeded to roll one and give it to me. He then ask me to light it.

"Really? I dont have a lighter with me Frank, and why are even offering this to me?" I ask, bewildered.

"(Name), calm your tits, Jesus. Here, Ive got something better," he then puked out a slimy mummified kid.

"OH MY GOD, WAS THAT JAMIE?" I ask, horrified.

"Yea, Im a carnovire plant, I keep telling him to feed me pork chops but he, an obvious genetically defiecient numskull only waters me, and by waters me, drowns me. So I ate him. I got full, that I couldnt eat for a week," he then continue to gag.

"But his parents, does Pamela knows about this?"

"Oh yeah, his parents looked for him alright but, uhh, I ate them as well, " he said, beaming at me and then proudly spat out Jamie's parents. Slimy and mummified. Gross.

"Fraaaaaaannnkk! This is so disturbing. I'll ask you again. Does Pamela knows about this?"

"Yea but she told me to keep it as a secret to you as you know, she wants to play the Miss Goody Two Shoes when she is suchhhhh a bitch", he rubbed his temples to make a point and eat the three corpses again.

"Say, she left you a veggie smoothie in the kitchen counter and she wants you to drink it," he said as to change the subject. I look at him suspiciously but then he gestures me to go. I walk towards the kitchen and there in the counter is the green smoothie. I pick it up, and sniff it. Smells like vanilla, I took a sip gingerly but turns out, it taste nothing. I finish it quickly. I opened her fridge then take the ice cream and bring it to the living room.

"Hey girl, would you mind giving me some? You see, Im constipated because of those 3 meat bags however Ive got lactose intolerant. I think it will help me take a crap," Frank said while trying to grab the ice cream when the door opened.

Harley and her crew and Pamela, excuse me. Gonna call her Ivy, Pamela is way mouthful, plus we gotta keep her identity safe.

"(Name) sweetie! Youre here!" Ivy then ran to me, take the ice cream out of my hands and kiss me in my mouth for a minute. Everyone hooted, including Frank who gobble the ice cream.

"So how everything went?" I then beckon them to the kitchen so they can eat and drink. I quickly whipped them something to eat.

When everyone is done, we went back to the living room when I saw Ivy peering at me while talking to her crew. Harley saw it and told us thst they need to rest and they'll see us tomorrow. After I close.the door Ivy hug me from behind.

"Whats wrong Pam, you kept looking at me a while ago?" I,ask her while turn around to face her and nuzzle my face in her chest. Damn, shes so tall and smells like a field of flowers. She then squeeze me tightly.

"Did Frank ask you to do something (Name)? Or ask you to eat or drink something?" She ask me, still engulf in her warmth.

"He told me to drink the smoothie you left, and saw what happened to Jamie and his parents. Oh my God, that was your pheromones I drank. Amiright?" I ask, realizing that baked Venus fly trap crackhead plant has got me into something.

Then we heard Frank trying to jump from his plant pot but Ivy already had him carried outside with her vines. She then sighed, put a distance between us and kiss me gently, slowly when I can feel her wet muscle trying to invade my mouth. I stop kissing her, making her look at me hungrily when she speaks, her voice raspy.

"Yes, those were my pheromones, but the fact that you remained normal indicates that youre perfect for me, so will you let have you?" She then pulled out a ring, just a simple circle made of metal. No jewels, just how I like it.

"God, weve been together for 3 years (Name), Youve been there all the way for me. I am so in love with you (Fullname), will you marry me?" She then kneel before me and waits for my answer, but Frank beat me to it.

"Yass bitch, you finally got the balls to ask her. I was getting sick of you practicing in the mirror, for the last 3 years, starting the day you two dated. Now, you two get some. (Name), youll be bottom as fuck and ahhh!" He was unable to finish his speech as Ivy close her windows.

"Yes, Pamela Isley, Im inlove with you too so much," I answered and we kissed.

The rest of the night is magnificent.

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