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When the invisible jet landed, the heroes walks down the ramp. Superman bleeding, Wonderwoman limping, Batman holding Kara's limp body. I quickly run to them and I notice that theyre crying silently. I quickly use my comms and the medbay medics assist them accordingly. I went to Kara's side and see her full of bruises and cuts.

"(Y/n), I want to talk to you privately in my room." Diana said I nodded and then then starts to drag me towards her room, Im worried because a huge wound that needs stitching is bleeding on her side. She just keeps walking, holding my wrist tightly.

When we are inside, she puts her sword down, the shield and walk towards me. Holding me tightly and I feel her body shudders with sobs. I hug her back tightly and run my hands up and down in her back to comfort her. The blood starts to seep in my clothes.

"She died protecting us (Y/n), and Ive never seen Kara so courageously put up a fight with Darkseid. Clark was k-knocked down and Im helping Bruce to get Darkseids password when his Omega Beams came towards us and she shielded us." She broke down and I gently takes her hand and drag her to the medbay.

Everything is chaotic as the Justice Leagues are attended by the best of medics and healers. Im putting Diana in a bed to do a surgery, her eyes swollen. The medbays vibe is grim, the Girl of Steel is still trying to be revive by my assistant and everyone is holding their tears. I put Diana on anesthesia and she closes her eyes. I quickly clean the wound and stitched it, putting on IV after and once her body has some rest, we will perform test. To check if theyre all okay.

All the heroes are under sedatives, and I see that my colleague attending Kara is looking at and shaking her head. They all cried, but I didnt shed any tears, I huddle all the doctors and personnel, telling them my plan, and hoping it works, everyone jump gun. We all carry their bodies towards the jet and I set course to Themiscyra. Everyone is tense and silent. When we approach the island, the Amazonians approached us and help us carry. I told them about my plan and they agreed to it. We put their bodies into their restorative waterfall, the healing waters of their island.

I never left them, and I saw Bruce and Clark stirring followed by Diana. Only Kara isnt moving, Arthur is healed the moment his body touch the water. I start to cry now, my girlfriend is dead. I was hoping that the falls will revive her as it had done with the other heros.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and see Clark crying, I stand up and hug him. Sobs rock my body as now reality sinks in, when I notice a ripple on the water but its probably my tears blurring my vision. I keep on crying and hugging him. When Clark stiffens.

"Kara?" He ask and we both huddle near her body and I see her chest heaving up and down. The other heroes had already went up to the palace of the queen to rest again and eat. The three of us are the only ones left here.

"(Y-y-y/n)," I softly hear my name being called out by my girl. I hug her and starts to cry again when the bluest orbs are staring at me. I hug her tightly and she hugs me back. I can feel her strength returning from the way shes hugging me.tightly.

Clark pulls her up and we all laugh, giddy with happiness that The Girl of Steel is back. Then a pair of soft lips collides with mine and Kara has put her arms on me and we are flying upwards. I hear Clark chuckles and he walks toward the palace.

The Amazonians outside cheers while Kara is still holding me tightly and kissing me greedily. She stops when I tap her shoulder, she smiles at me. The golden sky making her blue orbs light up more.

"I love you so much (Y/n), Im sorry about what happened but Im gonna make it up to you baby." I smile and hug her tightly and we landed down gently. She takes my hand and walk towards the cheering people outside the palace.

Im glad that she's back.

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