Adiris (DBD) The Plague Part 2

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A day after I arrive back in the city, the medical and supplies caravan have arrive. Bringing in thousands of supplies with soldiers and healers, and priests and priestess from the neighboring cities. Even Persia has sent their own delegations as we need to stop the plague in our city from spreading. My mother, as a healer in our kingdom, the people always listen to her, including my father.

The dead had piled up on the streets and we have a hard time cleaning the town, workers, soldiers, and healers had started to clean up the rotting piles of flesh, burning them in mass graves and we started a huge bonfire to throw us the bodies right away, including their things. We burn houses too, the streets are full of controlled fire, soldiers guarding and doctors and healers working from dawn till dusk. The regent king is grateful for all the help.

My trusty Hawk, Crius receive a message that my father and mother has arrived, together with other royal and noble emissaries, they want to work hand in hand with us, which is a huge relief as I thought father is going to hang me. But he forgave me and gives me his blessing.

"Im scared (Y/n), everything hurts." A child cries at me as she holds up her decaying left hand, thanatosis kicking in, Kulti is crying. I hug the child, trying to comfort her.

"You will be fine, I promise you." Her lips quiver but she smiles bravely, I'm handling children as my cousins, friends and family observed that I'm good at comforting them. I love children.

"You are good with the children." I almost break my neck from turning so fast, to see her. The tall Akkadian High Priestess is there, but she made an effort as her headdress has change, she covers half of her face the veil, she smells like a field of jasmin, and her incense burner has change as well. She smiles softly at me, I bow to her to show respect. 

"Lady (Y/n), I want to thank you for your compassion. I have prayed to the gods and they have answered it." She bows to me deeply and the veil parted slightly, the sickness has to reach half of her body, her once aquamarine eyes has started to show cloudiness.

"Adiris, I want to help you." Her eyes widen and she drops her incense, startling Kulti, who looks fearfully at Adiris.

"The people needs me my lady, I don't want them to see me weak." I know an argument is gonna start soon so I called my apprentice, Ku-aya who comforts the child. 

"Let's talk somewhere private High Priestess if you allow." Formality comes to my voice and I can see her frown but nods nonetheless. I walk outside and Adiris follows me, her long and languorous walk causes head to turn. 

I click my tongue and the soldiers and servants scurries back into their place, I can hear Adiris chuckle. We went inside to my tent, its huge, enough to house 10 people and full of my belongings of herbs, medicines and potions.

"I am grateful for your concern but I need to cleanse the city." She remains standing, her tall stature dwarfing my own.

"I understand that, but if you have the sickness yourself, how can you clean the city and the people if you are filthy yourself." I see tears starts to dam her eyes.

"They need me my Lady, if no one will remind them to pray, to make the necessary sacrifices and to offer to the gods, who will?" Her voice has raise its volume, its like a goddess sermonizing me, I can feel goosebumps on my body. She looks at me with concern and which she approaches me, she raise her hand to touch mine but I pull my hand back. Hurt showing in her beautiful and serene face.

"Don't touch me, I'm filthy myself and I need all the prayers that you can give to your gods and goddesses Adiris." She caresses my mask, I can see that she wants to remove it and see my face.

"You are never filthy, please, never think of that. You are too precious (Y/n)."

"Then please let me heal you Adiris."

"Soon you will, but I need to attend the faithful followers of the Temple of Purgation."

"Let it be damned Adiris! Looking at how move and you walk, you only have a week at most or you will succumb to this sickness." I said angrily at her, my feelings getting better at me.

"I promise you, I will come back my love." She takes my glove left hand gently, her huge hands holding mine as if I'm fragile, she places her ruby ring.

"I want you to remember me, that I will be back no matter what. You and I are fated to be together, the goddess Ishtar has shown me in my dreams. But I will only meet you in the direst circumstance. This sickness is kind of a blessing for I have finally meet you. My light in my darkest hour."

She removes my mask and I didn't stop her, my heart is beating so fast. Tears welled on her eyes and huge smile adores her face when she sees my face. I don't care if I will get sick, she places a soft and gentle kiss on my lips. 

"Adiris, please, I beg you. Please stay and let me take care of you." I start to cry now, she engulfs me in a tight hug, her long ceremonial dress covering her sickness.

"Help the people, they need you the most my love."

"But I need you!" She wipes my tears whispers sweet murmurings. I stop my crying and she looks at my eyes. Then she gives me the sweetest smile and kisses my forehead.

"I will come back my love, I promise you. Through the ashes and fire, through hell and heaven, I will come back to you. I must go now on the temple. I love you."

"I love you too. Please come back."

"I promise on the stars even if I have to come back from death to be in your side, I will."

"Don't make no promises like that. If you are not feeling yourself, I will attend to you. Your followers can wait."

"But I cant. Goodbye for now my love."

She strides outside my tent, my heart went with her. I wipe my tears and work quickly in taking my gowns off and mask, placing them in the fire that's roaring inside my tent. I go to the bath that is full of herbs and liqueur as anti septic and scrub myself furiously. After an hour of thorough cleaning, I drink my medicine and offered a quick prayer for the medicine to work and Adiris to be guided by the gods. 

I put on my new mask, gowns and gloves and walk outside, the dark and dreary skies not helping this sadness I'm feeling. But I know she will come back.

Okay, my friend called me early in the morning to ask for part two. She wants to make this into a mini fic. Hijo de la gran puta, demanding much? But i think yall like Adiris and so a mini fic shall be. Lmao. Also,  I dont proofread at all so tell me if there are any mistakes. 

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