Azula x Reader (Avatar The Last Airbender) Part Two

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"Azula! Wake up!" I sit up immediately, startling Mei, I saw Tai Lee at the back giving orders to the royal guard. (Name) gave me a nasty headache. Mei then help me stand up, slinging my left arm to her shoulder.
"What happened? I heard some explosions and I saw (name) rush outside. Did you two fight?" Mei ask rambles, shes a very quiet and reserve person but I can see shes worried.

I just clench my hands, knuckles showing white. Only (name) can get past my walls that I had build, shes the only one who made me cry. I just sobbed and I heard a commotion. Firelord Ozai or father has come. I look at him, but then he seemed furious.

"Everyone leave, I will take care of this," he said with venom in his voice. I feel fear.

"What have you done this time?!" I flinch when he yelled at me. I just look down, avoiding his contemptous stare. He started to pace back and forth, insulting me and throwing evil glares.

"(Name) is very imoortant to us Azula, she has more honor than you, and youre a princess. I thought youre better than your useless brother." He stop pacing and grab my shoulder, I cry in pain and he said that I need to bring her back or he will get my head. I just nodded and he stomp out of the room.


Uncle Iroh is very understanding in my situation while Zuko transformed into a paranoid and an obsessive stalker for Aang. You wonder how I know about the avatar? Simple, I ran to him a few times when Ozai send me on a mission to kill him but each time I let them go, my family has been an avatar vanguard, each time a fire-bending avatar has been born, we are to guard them. Ruko was my great great grandpa, but the cycle of the avatar end when our nation attack the Air Temples, my family and relatives tried to help them but they failed. They were punish and I was the last of the Vanguards. I was a lost kid.

I didnt know anything back then, Ozai got me and his wife, where I met the eldest, Zuko and the murderous harpy, Azula. Back then, Ozai was caring, especially towards me until it dawned upon me that he is utilizing me as a weapon for the "great Fire Nation" as vanguard, I have a powerful extension to my main element. I got lava bending and lightning. I train with Azula as she can grasp the concept of lightning.

Anyways, im digressing but after the White Lotus attempted to assasinste Ozai, he put me as his bodyguard. It was my 22nd birthday when she started to do some subtle flirting, which I dismissed as an emo phase.

Authors Note: I made all the characters above 20 because I dont want this book to be deleted and you young 'uns shouldnt be reading this. So youre 22 and Azula is 23, Zuko 25. Okay back to you.

Who am I kidding, I despise Azula, shes ruthless and while I was thinking about the past, the captain of the ship announce that we have arrive and we need to take a boat towards Kyoshi Island. Uncle beg me to stay on the ship but I want to go with Zuko, and I hate the seas. So with everything prepared to depart, I hug Uncle and drop on the boat. Zuko is getting annoying, but scar boy is precious so, I just let him be.

"(Name), will you help me capture the avatar?"



"I told you that its none of my business, I just went with you guys because I need to hide from your sister," he just looks crestfallen and all the way to the island we are just quiet.

We silently get out of the boat when we arrive at the docks and Zuko goes straight to the village huts when we got whiplash by a gust of wind. It is an air bison, Apa. Aang is really here.

"Avatar! Surrender yourself!" Zuko shouted when a guy wearing a Kyoshi warrior get up throws a boomerang which made Zuko lose his balance.

"(Name)! Its good that youre here, we need your help, Azula is here too and shes fighting Asumi!" Sokka then ran around like a headless chicken and I will not lie that I didnt feel bad when I saw Zuko's face. He looks furious but hurt. I then ran away trying to locate Asumi, its not hard to find them as there is a raging inferno in the woody part of the village. I saw Asumi fighting Azula, shes the best in hand to hand combat, but Azula use fire bending, causing some smoke. She hit Asumi again causing her to fall, Azula approach her and makes intricate hand gestures, indication that shes gonna use lightning, I then sent a huge fire ball. She sharply glance towards my direction and for a second, she falters, giving Asumi a time to get up and run towards me.

She then hug me and I gesture her to run back to the village and help Katara and the other warriors.

"Well well well, you showed up. Did you miss me?" She then laugh like a lunatic. I just put on a fighting stance and she made the first move. We are fighting, throwing attacks and counterattacks. But then, Circus Freak appreared and hit my biceps, numbing my arms. Suddenly, I cant bend anymore, and I dont have the strength to raise them. Azula got a murderous grin and I tried to run but Tai Lee hit me in my calf. I flop like fish and Azula delivered a swift kick, making me unconscious. Fuck!

Katara rescued Sokka from Tai Lee, when Sokka told her that (name) is here.

"Aang, we need to get (name) or they will kill her."

"(Name) is here? Where is she? I was busy fighting Zuko and I didnt notice her," Aang then jump down from Apa when he sees Asumi on the ground. He then approach her and she frantically tell them that youre fighting Azula. She then pointed to the forest and Aang and the gang rode up to help you when Apa got hit by knives and a dash of lightning. They saw you tied up to one of those komodo dragon that Azula and her party rode on. Youre unconscious and Aang tries to jump but Katara quickly stops Aang and she gestures to him to forget it. Aang tried to argue but Zuko caught up with them. They have nothing to do but fly away, with Sokka crying for Asumi. But its the best decision or they will all die.

"(Name)! We will come for you!" Sokka shouts and Azula fired another lightning.


I woke up in a very beautiful room. When I tried to get up, a warm pair of arms are holding me tightly. I look up and saw Azula, sleeping tight.


I then remove myself from her embrace and she wakes up. I quickly bend down and groaned. I take a look on my midriff and its covered in bandages, so is my head and my arms. Azula keeps looking at me and I can see her half naked torso and I can see her trapezius muscle without her flexing and her biceps. She looks adorable, no, gorgeous when she looks so innocent and with a messy hair. This is my observation which is strictly platonic. She notice this and she gave me a thousand watts smile and then she grab me towards the bed.

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