Bishamon x Reader (Noragami)

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Its a beautiful twilight in Tokyo and there are alot of people in a hurry to get home. I am walking carrying a bag of groceries when I feel something following me. I continued walking a little bit faster when I saw something in a blur of movement, a frog like monster in front of me. It has multiple colors and its gigantic and its hanging its disgusting long tongue. Its multiple eyes looking at me hungrily, I just froze when I saw it leap towards me and I drop my groceries and I run. I know its futile when I hear multiple steps and a gunshot. I hear a huge roar and I look back then my eyes went huge. I run away this time for good.

Bishamon POV

"Veena, did that woman saw everything?" Azuma ask me as he transforms back onto his human form. He is my blessed regalia that helps me aim accurately.
"Thats impossible, we are on a different plane. She just might saw something that made her run away or she might have sense something. The're some humans who are sensitive." I said dismissively while Azuma looks at me strangely.
"Nothing Veena-sama".

We then returned to our abode and I think nothing of it. What I didnt know is that Azuma knows something that I have slip on my mind.


I arrive at my apartment when Yato or Yaboku a God of Destruction run towards me including his mate, Iki Hiyori looking worriedly at me. Yato and Iki are soulmates.

"Hey (name), you look like someone who seen a monster, are you okay?" Yato ask while Hiyori drag me to my sala.
"Wait, Yato what are you doing in my apartment?"

"Hiyori asked me to accompany her since its your birthday and we have prepared a feast and a surprise."

"Oh shoot, Im 22 years old already, Uhhh thanks. I saw something weird today, I may have cooked a wrong mushroom this morning."

They drag towards me on my couch and I notice that there are alot of food and I saw Yukine coming back from the kitchen carrying a glass of water and give it to me. I take a huge gulp and I steadied myself while they wait for me to explain.

"Ahmmm, I saw a frog-like monster that yall describe. It wants to eat me I guess, and damn! I left my groceries when I ran-"

"(Name)! Then what happened?" Yato asked me and they look worried.

"Ahmmm, then there's this woman, riding a lion with a gun and a whip then I hear a roar and froggy was gone. But she looks way off" I said quietly.

"Happy birthday (name)!" Yukine shouted and hug me. I smile and hug him back. I look at Yato and Iki, they have a smile plastered in their faces which made me forget.

We then sat down and eat, having mundane converstations when we feel something.

Yato jump up and turned Yukine into his Sekki, his katana. When I saw that woman again. I stood still while Yato went in front of us defensively, holding his two katana, as Yukine became a blessed regalia recently.

"I just want to speak to (Fullname) Yato." Lady Godiva, I mean military lady said. Wait, she wants to speak to me.


I woke up to feel a warm hand caressing my face. I sat up, startling Hiyori.

"Where are we Hiyori?" I ask as I take a look around the huge room and I just notice how soft the bed is when I zeroed on a startling pair of lilac cat of eyes. She then softly smiled at me. I just stared at her when Hiyori started to walk outside the room.

"Iki, where are you going, dont leave me here!" I shouted, however she just close the door. I stand up when I feel a pair of hand push me down gently on the bed. I didnt say anything and just look down.

"(Name), my name is Bishamon, the God of War" she said and my heart started beating fast, she smells like lilac, a field of lilacs to be exact. I still didnt answer as I dont know what to say. She then raise my chin my up. I can see gentleness and something that I cant describe.

"But my real name is Veena. You can ask me any questions, and I want you to know that Yato and Yukine are here as well." She just stared and now Im able to name the look. Love.

"Can we go outside? I just dont feel comfortable."
"Okay." She then lifted me up, bride style and walked outside, the door opened its own and I can see a long hallway decorated with beautiful work of arts and rich tapestries. Tbere are alot of noises coming from the end of the hallway, a huge carved door open.

"Azuma, youre telling me that (name) is Veena's soulmate?" Everyone ask incredulously.

He nodded and explained that only soulmates can see their other half if theyre a different being. Everyone nodded.

When we entered, everyone stop and look at us. She put me down gently on a loveseat while she just stand beside me. Looking furiously at them.

"Order please." She said threateningly and they complied, sitting down I fire up the questions.

"So where are we? Who are these other people and are you really Bishamon?"

She smiled and answer all my questions with that melodious but authorative voice.

"All of you are in our home, and these are my regalias, the souls I save from being monsters are turned into regalias so they can have a home. And yes, I am her but they portray me as a man." Everyone just look at me expectantly while I just sat there gaping.

Holy hell, shes really Bishamon. I mean this military attire is her signature look, shes the same person that Yato invited on that picnic, the one he almost kissed and almost erupted to a war.

While I was thinking, she suddenly kneeled down in front of me and pulled out a simple looking ring, it doesnt have any gems.

"(Fullname), you are the other piece of my soul and the one who can fill the void in my heart, who can give me warmth, strength and contentment. I am inlove with you, and they're the witness of my commitment" while she gestured at everyone "will you be my goddess?"

I look at her and pick the ring up, Im crying because I did feel the need of love and sincerity of her words.


Everyone cheered and she put the ring in me when I feel it getting warm and then she kiss me. Full of passion and she put her arms in my waist and then Yato jumped so high that got caught in the chandelier, everyone's silent as we hold our breath. But she laugh, a genuine laughter of happiness.

Then the music started and the doors opened and the other regalias bring in the food and my ring turned into a royal military dress.

"By the power and authority that I have, we are soulmate (name), and youre the safest person because I will defend and protect you within my power. I love you so much." She said and kissed me again, hungrily. I responded but she easily dominated the kiss. I pull back for the lwck of air but Ive never been so happy in my life.

Life is a game made for everyone and love is the prize- Avicii


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