Lucy x Naga Reader

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"Lucy, would you like to go on a date me?" Natsu cockily asked the blond lady while holding her hand.

"Natsu, im so sorry but no. I should be honest to you that I love someone, soooo much." I bluntly told Natsu as it is the truth and I dont want to keep his hopes up.

"Oh, ahmm, I see. So whose the lucky guy?"

"Id rather dont tell yet."

"I respect your decision and thank you for telling the truth. Congratulations and happiness to both of you and to your lover."

We both hugged and have a good time at the guild. Natsu is quiet about my relationship status which I really appreciated.

I was drinking on my melon brandy when Master Makarov announce the Wizard Tournament to showcase magical strength.

Timeskip to the tournament

Sweat drops and my mind is indecisive as to what key do I need to destroy to summon the King of Constellations. Aquarius is my best hope to summon it when I notice something on my satchel. A key, the handle has a snake head with a crown.

It felt warm in my hand, its made of jade and the crown is from ivory, I pull it out and my enemy looks at it closely when I heard Makarov gave a whoop in the sidelines.

"Summon it Lucy! It command the seas and the cycle of life!" I heard Makarov yell but before I can summon this celestial being I was flung across the field the key flying from my grasp. I dont even know the name of the zodiac im holding.

Blood seeping from my wounds, I notice that my opponent is already preparing to finish me, theres no hope. Fairytail will lost, i fell unconscious but not before whispering the name of my lover......[name].

Your POV

I feel being summoned and imagine my horror seeing Lucy lying on the ground.


She didnt respond when I feel an immense power coming towards us.

I pick her and I can feel a very strong magic coming and I flick my tail to deflect it.

"Might of the Seven Seas: Inevitable Catastrophe" I said calmly and I notice that Lucy won as the magic counter got destroyed and an infinite symbol showed up.

Then I carefully pick her up with my tail and look at her teammates while the opponent is laughing on the opposite side.

"Oi, hebi, youre the celestial spirit she summoned?"

I just look at her coldly then she made a horrifying scream. And I heard the people gasp and some even fainted.

I dont care, ive got my little cabbage safe with me. I carefully lick her face and seeing herself getting healed.

Then the screams came to an end and the opponent is down, anyone will be after being drowned by a boiling lava thats made of blood and skeletal remains.

Then Lucy stirred in my arms.

"[Name], please let her live again" and she look at me pleadingly.

I nodded and behold the enemy rose again but instead of fighting she cried and ran towards her team while everyone cheered.


Fairytail won the tournament and theyre celebrating, Lucy released me but Mavis wants to talk to me so I stayed.

"[Name], how many years have passed since the last time youve been summoned?" Mavis ask me

"Long enough for me to forget what it felt like to be love until Lucy came along, she found me when she fell into the river."

Mavis was about to say something when there was a shush among the celebrating guild and Lucy, Erza and Natsu shouted everyone to be quiet.

"Lucy!!!! Thanks to you, we won and as our gift to you, we would like to give you a permanent residence on the guild with complete amenities!" Natsu shouted and everyone laugh then the merry vibe continued.

Lucy POV

I walk towards [name] and Mavis smiled at me and walk away. I didnt notice everybody is watching me silently as I stalk my danger noodle booboo.

"[Name], I-i thank you so much for saving me there and also, ahmmm, i just want everyone to know in this guild that we belong to each other and I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I tackled her with a hug and a long lingering kiss.

Everyone gave a roar of approval. I took her hand and put a ring on it. Lucy will be always my little cabbage.

Sorry it took long for me to update and I dont know if this is the one you expected but I hope you like it Azureman136

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