Am I Really Innocent? (Overprotective Azula)

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"Can you stop moving so much? I need to apply this antiseptic." Azula grabs my arm roughly and I yelp in pain, I sit still, afraid that I might get an earful or worse, she will not let me out of her sight. 

After applying the new dressing on the wounded, she kisses it softly and gives me a smile. Helping me putting on my robe, I wasn't allowed to wear any kind of outfit that will restrict me from moving. 

The healers told Azula that I need to wear a robe to avoid irritation, the wound under my armpit is deep enough to require 120 stitches. After saving Azula from unsuspecting crazy guard, I end crumbling on the ground and blood spurting from the wound.

The guard was captured and right now, I want to see what will happen him but Azula, wouldn't let me, which I totally hate it. She's so overprotective and wouldn't want anything to happen to me.

"Please, can I see what will happen?"

"Why do you want to see it so badly? Do you like seeing someone in pain?" My face turns red, I don't want to admit but I like inflicting pain, not to animals or innocent people, but to criminals and captured spies. 

"I just want to see it, please. I got hurt because of him." I look at her with my puppy eyes, she raise her perfect eyebrows at me and look at me intensely, I want to turn my gaze away but I want her to say yes.

She sighs and nodded, then kisses my forehead. Clapping my hands and walking faster, I end up falling on the ground because I step on my robe's hem.

Azula swiftly picks me up and and a look of concern passes on her face.

"That's it, you're going to stay on our room, I'm going to let you out once we are done and you're going to be with me all the time.

She continues to carry me on her arms and ignores my protests all the way to the room. She puts me on the bed gently. 

"Sit still,I'm going to get a cold pack on your ankle. I'm mad at you, you better not be moving too much."

I obey her orders and she quickly went work and wrap my ankle.

After that, she change into her night gown and brush her hair.

"Aren't you going to watch the interrogation?" I ask as she starts to spoon me in her arms. 

"No, we'll stay here and cuddle or sleep." She then kisses the back of my neck and pulls me closer, for a cold-hearted woman, she is very warm. I'm kidding, Azula never bowed to no one, but if she needs to kill everyone in this world to keep me in her arms, she will do it at my command.

Pretty romantic, and that's why I love her.

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