chapter forty one

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    I had gone to visit Jordan at Northwestern in between the two weeks I had left before my own move in.

    Jordan was super social so he and his team seemed to be getting on well. He introduced me to some of them as he showed me around campus.

    I also met his roommate who was honestly kind of strange. He just looked at me the whole time and typed away furiously on his computer.

After about 5 minutes of awkwardness he grabbed his book bag and left the room. And as soon as he did we burst out laughing.

Jordan's hands came to me but I slapped them away, still not knowing if his roommate would be back.

"Charlie, he's not coming back," Jordan said as he took off my shirt.

I reached for my shirt on the floor but I found myself pinned in place.

I bit my lip.

"Jordan he could come in," I told him again.

He looked at me to see how serious I was but I wasn't budging.

I strained against his hands and he just stared down at me as I moved beneath him.

When I gave up I huffed and tried to catch my breath.

Jordan's head came towards my neck and he started down a trail towards my collarbone.

I lost myself and I felt me giving in.

He lifted his head briefly and his hands moved from their positions to travel my body.

"Two weeks without you was torture. You got here all excited to see my school and honestly I didn't give a fuck about the tour," he said as he went back to kissing me. "I just didn't have the heart to tell you."

My breath quickened and my body strained towards him.

"Have the heart to tell me what?" I asked breathily.

"That I needed to fuck you."

I arched my back as his hands went lower. I made a noise in the back of my throat and he drowned it out with a kiss.


Jordan came back up the night before I packed up to go to Northwestern. He was here to take me out on our last date. And he planned the whole thing.

We had a picnic at the park near the Art Institute and then we went inside to look at the art. The museum was so beautiful, we were in there for hours. I wasn't super artistic so seeing the talent was super cool.

After the museum we got back in the car and since it was kind of late I expected him to drop me off. I had a big packing day tomorrow and I knew he would be leaving early tomorrow morning so we both needed sleep. However, when he drove past my house I knew we weren't done yet.

We stopped outside our old elementary school and when I looked at him with curiosity he ignored me and forced me out of the car.

We walked over to the playground and I bit my cheek to keep from smiling. Jordan noticed and leaned into me with his shoulder to get my attention.

The smile came full force when I looked up.

"What?" I asked.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

A little laugh escaped me.

"Because you're a softie Jordan."

He looked at me like I was annoying.

"I mean it. You're always doing things for me and not just like regular things. You always go above and beyond for me and I love that. I feel lucky to know that the only boy I've ever loved is someone who loves me the same way."

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