chapter thirty seven

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It was our last week of high school and I had to suffer seeing my mom come to school everyday to try and sell tickets for the senior all night party.

Her and another student's mom had a little booth in the lunch room where people could purchase tickets and everytime I walked by she just had to make it known she was my mom.

I rushed past the lunch room trying to get to choir and thankfully she decided to wave at me this time instead of shouting my name across the room.

I let out a dramatic sigh and smiled before waving back because even though she was embarrassing I still loved her.


I was standing in line for lunch with Jordan and Bryce when my mom smiled at me again.

It caught Bryce's attention, and because he was an idiot he turned to Jordan and said, "things are looking good for your future bro."

I rolled my eyes, grabbed a tray and slid it down the metal rail.

"We don't even look that much alike," I told them as I moved.

Jordan's eyes flickered from my mom to me.

"You look just like her," he said with a smile.

"For real," Bryce started to say as he looked over at my mom. "Same ass and all."

Jordan slapped him upside the head, luckily before I did cause I was gonna do it harder.

"I know you're part idiot but hitting on my mom is a new low," I said as I made eye contact with Harper from across the room.

"Charlie, don't get offended, technically I'm hitting on you too," he said.

Jordan slapped him upside the head again.

"Keep going," Jordan told him. "Cause it's almost like you want me to beat the shit out of you again."

We sat down at the lunch table as Bryce responded.

"Again?" he said in disbelief.

"When have I not been able to beat the shit out of you?" Jordan asked.

Harper cut in.

"What are we talking about?" She asked.

"Bryce hitting on me and my mom," I told her.

She screwed up her face.

"Don't worry Harper I didn't forget about you," Bryce said.

She made retching noises and Liam turned to Jordan.

"What time are we beating his ass?" he asked Jordan.

I ignored them.

"You are such a flirt Bryce," I told him while eating my sandwich.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Thanks, it's part of my charm," he said, not bothered in the slightest.

I made a noise in the back of my throat.

"When you get a girl bro just you fucking wait," Liam said.

Harper and I laughed at the thought of Bryce having a girlfriend.

Even though we could admit he was hot we couldn't believe that he would ever stay committed to anyone. Bryce was never serious. Him with a girl was unheard of because he took fuck boy to new levels.

Bryce rubbed his heart and shook his head at us.

"You guys can play pretend all you want but I know you want me."

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