chapter twenty six

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After work Harper and I met up to grab dinner cause I missed her.

We went to get Pasta from Noodles and Company and then rode the L around town for fun.

My mom hates me being on the L so late but the lights were so much prettier at night. And Chicago creeps could be bad but most of them took the hint pretty well. So as for me, as long as I was with someone I didn't feel so bad.

After we got off the train we sat in Harpers car listening to music and just mellowing out.

We had talked about my next move earlier and I had told her that I was seriously considering Northwestern. Harper was going to Loyola because her mom was a professor there but I didn't think I wanted to go to Loyola. I was touring Northwestern with my dad and I was crossing my fingers I liked it.

I needed something good to happen to me finally.

After that we talked about how her and Liam did get together again and gave it another try. Things were going good for them and Harper was not one for feelings so for her to be gushing about him meant she was in deep.

"I really like him C. I know we aren't like you and Jordan but I want to see where this goes."

"I don't know. Jordan and I feel weird right now."

"Why? What's going on?"

"I think it's more one sided. I just don't know if we're going to last."

"Just see where things go. I don't know either but don't stress about it if you can't change it."

"I know. I just can't help but feel like I'm distancing myself from him on purpose."

Her brows furrowed. "Why?"

"Idk maybe I'm trying to protect myself."

"But you know that Jordan is going to protect your heart as best as he can. You should feel safe with that cause no matter what happens he's gonna handle you with care."

"Right," I whispered.


A week later it was my birthday. April 3rd. A Tuesday.

The sun was shining. The birds were chirping. And I, I was feeling alive.

It might be seen as self centered to say I loved my birthday but... I loved my birthday. You get presents, people pay attention to you and people are even kind of nice to you. It was great. The only thing that really sucked is when people would sing happy birthday to you, because what were you supposed to do during that? Sing along with them?

My color was changing. I was becoming more of a green kind of girl.

I wore a green ribbon in my hair and paired it with a green spring dress and air forces. I took out my two cornrows and fluffed out my hair. I smiled at myself in the mirror and then flounced down the stairs.

My mom had woken up to make me a smoothie because again I couldn't eat in the morning. But I knew I was going to be eating good for dinner. My dad was taking us downtown to my favorite italian restaurant and he was letting me bring Harper and Jordan.

I guess there were big perks when it came to having a boyfriend that your family's known your whole life.


Jordan picked me up for school and I threw my bag in the back before sitting down. I smiled at him cheekily and waited. I fluttered my eyes rapidly at him.

He rolled his eyes and pulled my face towards him so he could kiss my cheek.

"Happy birthday Charlie," he muttered into my skin.

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