chapter thirty eight

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I had on my blue cap and gown, a pearly white dress and low black heels as I sprinted to Jordan's car.

I threw myself inside and smiled as I saw how cute he looked in his grad attire.

Jordan hit the gas as it was my fault we were late and we shot off towards our school.

All the students had to arrive an hour early to make sure we were seated correctly in time for the ceremony and currently we were 5 minutes late.

Sitting in the car, I felt my heart burst with nervous energy.

"Oh my God," I said to myself as I slapped my thigh. "We're really graduating."

Jordan smiled at me.

"This shits wild as fuck."

I started to nervous laugh.

"It's insane. One day I'm 17 and everyones telling me I'm a kid and then I'm 18 and supposed to start my life."

Jordan looked at me starting to sense that I was on the verge of a breakdown.

"I mean high school wasn't all that but what the hell do I do now. The steaks feel higher. Things that I do actually matter now."

Jordan squeezed my hand.

"Take a deep breath," he told me.

I rolled my eyes but I still did it. And when I was done I stared at him.

"So now what?" I asked.

He looked at me like I was cute.

"Now I think we wait."

"Wait for what?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Not sure yet."

I could have slapped him.

"Charlie. We'll be okay. At this moment we are exactly where we need to be and that's all that matters. One step at a time," he said as he parked the car. "This day is a big day for us. Think about right now. You worked your ass off to get into a good school and now you're here. You made it."

I felt the current that ran through my body start to simmer on low.

"You're right," I said as I leaned over to kiss him. "You are totally right," I said again as I hopped out the car.

He grabbed my hand.

"Of course I'm right. When am I not right."

I ignored him and kept walking towards the field. He already got one win from me and he wasn't getting another.


Turns out we were not the only ones late but some of our friends gave as a good ribbing. I had to split up from Jordan because his last name was in the C's and I was in the R's.

When I found my seat I got a text from my mom letting me know they were leaving the house in 15 minutes and that my grandparents from my mom's side would be riding behind them. My grandma and Aunt Rachel on my dad's side were already on their way and my aunt had already texted me about it since they lived about 2 hours away.

Sabrina Roberts took his place next to me since she was a late straggler too and she pulled me in for a side hug.

We made small talk for the 20 minutes it took to start the ceremony.

I could faintly make out my family sitting next to Jordan's family in the crowd but since I wasn't sure I didn't want to wave.

After the boring speeches, it was finally time for names to be called. Jordan's name was called before me and of course he got a huge amount of cheers as he basically won us a state championship.

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